    Abstract The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a masterpiece of American writer Mark Twain and it is of great significance in the history of American literature. Huckleberry, the protagonist of the novel, meets Jim, a black slave, in his pursuit of freedom. The two young boys go through various setbacks and frustrations. The novel was viewed by Hemingway as the source of modern American literature. As a novel depicting the initiation course of the adolescent, it is greatly worthy of being studied in the theme of growth. It not only speaks highly of white boy Huckleberry’s kindness and wit, but also creates a black slave with great dignity.35250
    The thesis begins with the definition of the growth novel and analyzes the general characteristics of American growth novel. Based on the text of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, it will firstly discuss the causes an effects of Huckleberry’s each single escape. Then, it puts an emphasis on Huck’s realization of the conflict between himself and the civilized society through five escapes. Huck eventually chooses to get rid of the constraints of the society and finishes his moral growth. In the final chapter, it will explore the significance of the escape to Huck’s initiation.
    Key Words: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn     Initiation story     Escape  
    摘  要《哈克贝利•费恩历险记》是美国作家马克•吐温的代表作,该小说在美国文学史上具有非常重要的意义。小说的主人公哈克贝利在追求自由的过程中遇到了黑奴吉姆,两人经历了许多挫折和磨难。 小说被海明威评价为整个现代美国文学的来源。作为一部记述青少年成长过程的小说,该小说在成长主题方面具有很大的研究价值。它不仅赞扬了白人男孩哈克贝利的机智与善良,也塑造了以为富有尊严的黑奴形象。
    毕业论文关键词:哈克贝利•费恩历险记     成长小说     逃跑
    Abstract ..i
    摘 要. ii
    Contents  iii
    Introduction... 1
    Chapter One Initiation Story .4
    1.1 Definition of the Initiation Story.4
    1.2 American Initiation Story and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn... .4
    Chapter Two Five Escapes in Huck’s Initiation.7
    2.1    The First Escape..7
    2.2    The Second Escape.8
    2.3    The Third Escape9
    2.4    The Fourth Escape10
    2.5    The Fifth Escape.. 11
    Works Cited..14
    The Analysis of the Theme of Growth in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
    The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is one of the representative works of Mark Twain, a great novelist in America. When first printed in 1884, it was highly accepted and admired among readers, yet receiving a controversial review in American literature. However, many great writers give a high praise on this book , such as Earnest Hemingway, who commented:“All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn... It’s the best book we’ve read”( Wang 3). Over a century later, this book is generally acknowledged as a classic initiation story by readers all over the world.
    In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn , Huck , the hero, is a kind, naughty and innocent adolescent , who yearns for freedom and the nature. Due to the unbearable maltreatment from his father Rap, a drunkard, he runs away to Jackson Island. There, he encounters Jim, a runaway black slave, and they keep company to go on their adventures along the Mississippi River. During the journey, they meet different kinds of conspiracy including the white searching Jim for the reward, boatmen’ s murder, feud between two South Families and the King and the Duke’s chief. To avoid the plot and pursue the inner freedom, they escape time and time again. During the escape, “Huck realizes the friendship of Jim and the hypocrisy, deceit and corruptness of the social civilization”(Huo 34). At last, he chooses to help the black Jim get freedom and becomes mature physically and mentally.
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