    Abstract Ernest Hemingway’s first novel The Sun Also Rises portrays the lives of a group of American men and women who took part in World War One and then lived in Paris after the war. Two main characters of this novel, Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley, are the typical representatives of these people whose lives are full of misery and emptiness. The war shattered their bodies and their beliefs in traditional values. They indulged themselves in bars as well as casual sexual relationship and got the name of “The Lost Generation”. This thesis analyzes the emergence of “The Lost Generation” and its characterization in the novel. And the focal point of this thesis lies in the character analysis of Jake and Brett. It is not difficult to find Jake’s endurance and pursuit of the spirit of striving by comparing him with Hemingway’s code hero. Yet, his failure of fighting bravely with the miserable life makes him an alternative code hero. Brett is a “lost” new woman and her striving for equality with men is exhibited vividly through her appearance and conduct. All in all, as the representatives of “The Lost Generation”, they are a group of people who keep the quality of endurance and the spirit of striving under the surface of misery and emptiness.35251
    Key Words: “The Lost Generation”      endurance     spirit of striving     alternative code hero     “lost” new woman
    摘 要厄内斯特•海明威的第一部小说《太阳照常升起》描绘了一群参加了第一次世界大战并在战后旅居巴黎的年轻人的痛苦、空虚的生活。小说的两个主要人物杰克•巴恩斯和勃莱特•阿施利就是这群年轻人的杰出代表。战争摧残了他们的身体和传统价值观念,他们沉迷于酒吧和放纵随意的性关系中,成为了“迷惘的一代”。本文首先从社会背景的角度分析了“迷惘的一代”的产生原因及其在小说中的体现。对杰克和勃莱特的人物分析是本文的重点:通过与海明威硬汉形象的对比不难发现,杰克身上具有坚忍的品质和对斗争精神的追求但缺乏与生活斗争的勇气,因此他是一个另类的硬汉;勃莱特则是一个迷惘的新女性,本文分析了她的外貌和行为方式并得出她具有追求与男性平等地位的精神的结论。总之, 作为“迷惘的一代”的代表人物他们是一群在痛苦和空虚中依然坚忍且保持着追求精神的人。
    毕业论文关键词:迷惘的一代     坚忍     追求精神     另类硬汉     迷惘的新女性
    Chapter One  The Emergence of “The Lost Generation” and its Characterization..4
    1.1.  The Emergence of “The Lost Generation”...4
    1.2      The Characterization of “The Lost Generation” in the Novel6
    Chapter Two  Jake Barnes: An Alternative Code Hero8
    2.1. Hemingway’s Code Hero....8
    2.2 Jake’s Endurance and Pursuit for the Spirit of Striving...9
        2.3. A Comparison between Jake and Hemingway’s Code Hero.11
    Chapter Three  Brett Ashley: A “Lost” New Woman.12
    3.1. Brett as a New Woman..12
    3.2. Masculinity in Brett...13
    3.3. The True Image of Brett: A “Lost” New Woman..14
    Conclusion... 15
    Works Cited. 16
    The Interpretation of the Lost Generation in
    The Sun Also Rises
    Ernest Hemingway was one of the most important novelists in American Literature. The principle themes of his novel include: war and exciting activities such as hunting, fishing, bull-fighting and boxing. Most of the characters in Hemingway’s novels were in constant struggle with pressure, death or other forms of challenges while they were able to live gracefully and maintain their code of honor and courage. Thus, they were named by the critics, the code hero. Hemingway’s brilliant writing techniques and man’s bravery and courage displayed in his novels has produced far-reaching influences in the world.
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