
    The Sun Also Rises published in 1926 made Hemingway the spokesman of “The Lost Generation”. It was from Gertrude Stein’s French garage owner who spoke of his young auto mechanics as “une generation perdue” that she created this phrases and expanded it to describe a group of disillusioned American young men and women who survived the First World War and lived aimlessly in France. Then Hemingway used it as one of the two quotes in this novel’s preface. Hemingway portrayed the lives of a group of “lost” young men and women represented by Jake Barnes and Brett Ashley in The Sun Also Rises. He grasped the emotional and moral emptiness of “The Lost Generation” and conveyed their true feelings successfully. This novel was later regarded as “the Proclamation of ‘The Lost Generation’ ”.
    Researches on The Sun Also Rises began in the 1950s and developed greatly in the 1960s. Scholars represented by Fredrick J. Hoffinan leaded researches of this novel. Sheridan Baker published “Jake Barnes and Spring Torrent” in 1967 and discussed the association between Jake and “Spring Torrent”. This novel was quite popular in the 1970s and the image of “The Lost Generation” was familiar to people who joined in the Vietnam War. Bertram D. Sarason’s“Hemingway and The Sun Set” was the most important thesis because it included almost all the research papers about The Sun Also Rises since 1920. In 1980s, some new findings sprang up and the criticism of this novel came out. George Green published “A Matter of Color: Hemingway's Criticism of Race Prejudice Handling of Race”. Wendy Martin wrote “Brett Ashley as a new woman in The Sun Also Rises” in the aspect of feminism. Allen Josephs discussed the importance of bull-fighting in “Toreo: The Moral Axis of The Sun Also Rises”. Since the 1990s, researches of this novel have entered a new period. Jacoueline Bradley redefined the image of Jake Barnes in “Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises”
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