    Abstract Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter is an independent female image. Being under the heavy pressure of society, she still lives strongly, and this is of great value for a woman who with no status. Hester, as a sinner of adultery, being thrown at the edge of the society, is put in center position by Hawthorne in his work, and given a subjective position. Her independent spirit can be reflected in her brave and resistant spirit, this article will make a deep analysis on her independent spirit and try to reflect on why modern women lack of such independent character and what we can learn from Hester Prynne35524
    Key words The Scarlet Letter    Hester Prynne    independent    resistant    brave.
    关键词《红字》     海丝特•白兰     独立     反抗     勇敢
    Abstract    i
    Chapter One Introduction1
    1.1Summary of The Scarlet Letter    .1
    1.2 Significance and purpose.1
    Chapter Two Resistance: the independent spirit2
    2.1 The image of Hester Prynne.2
    2.2 The resistance of Hester Prynne.4
    Chapter Three Bravery: female independent personality.5
    3.1 The way Hester Prynne shows her bravery5
    3.2 The significance of Hester Prynne’s bravery6
    Chapter Four the independent spirit of Hester Prynne.7
    4.1 The background information about the society that Hester lived.7
    4.2 The Meaning of Hester’s Independent Spirit8
    Chapter Five Conclusion10
    Work Cited.12
    The Independent Spirit of Hester Prynne in The Scarlet Letter
    Chapter One Introduction
    1.1Summary of The Scarlet Letter
       This novel, long considered Nathaniel Hawthorne’s greatest novel, is a complex investigation of the effects of secrecy and guilt. Set in seventeenth century Boston, the novel follows the life of Hester Prynne, a Puritan woman convicted of adultery and forced to wear a red patch, the letter A, as part of her punishment. Hawthorne’s sympathetic depiction of Hester’s struggle with this restrictive self-image is largely responsible for the book’s status as an American classic.
    1.2Significance and purpose
    Hester's subjective status in the novel is totally different from the "edge" status of women in traditional literature, many scholars conducted in-depth research to The Scarlet Letter. Some scholars’ analysis is from the social background 、characters and story structure of its themes. Such as:
    In An Analysis of the Characters in The Scarlet Letter (Hang 4) the author says: The character of Hester Prynne changed significantly throughout the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Hester Prynne, through the eyes of the Puritans, is an extreme sinner. She has gone against the Puritan ways, committing adultery.(Hang 2)
     This article, with the source of Hester Prynne’s independent spirit carries on the discussion and in-depth analysis, her resistance, her bravery, are important source of her independent spirit. This article will analyze from her resistance and bravery, independence the three aspects. I hope that through the analysis of Hester’s independent spirit, her pursuit of love, her controlling of the destiny of her own life can express her valuable characteristics. Hester’s feminine consciousness is a precious spiritual wealth for our modern women, we need to learn from her spirit of resistance, independent consciousness, and thus in today's society we are able to reflect are own value.
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