    Abstract The famous novel Oliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens, a great realistic writer. Nancy is the most complicated character in Oliver Twist. She has an inner conflict and has to choose between evil and goodness. Her dual character also greatly affects her fate. Combined with the social background of England and the early life of the author, we can find that the characterization of Nancy is more close to life, so it is also worthwhile for people to study. The purpose of this paper is to analyze Nancy’s dual character and to find the causes for it. Firstly, according to the Nancy’s life experience, the paper shows her dual character in detail and its effects on her fate. Then, it discusses the forming reasons from the three aspects: her childhood, her identity and the situation she lives with Fagin’s gang. It also shows us the complexity of humanity and the belief that no matter how cruel the condition is, the goodness triumphs the evil at last.35525
    Key words: dual character     fate     reason     goodness
    毕业论文关键词:双重性格     命运     原因     善良
    Abstract    i
    摘 要    ii
    Introduction    1
    Chapter One Nancy’s Dual Character    3
    1. 1 View of Life    3
    1.2 View of Value    5
    1.3 View of Love    7
    Chapter Two Causes for Nancy’s Dual Character    9
    2.1 The Childhood of Nancy    9
    2.2 The Identity of Nancy    9
    2.3 The Situation Nancy Lives with the Gang    10
    Conclusion    11
    Works Cited    13
    An analysis of Nancy’s dual character in Oliver Twist
    Oliver Twist is one of Charles Dickens’ most popular novels. It was written from February 1837 to April 1839. That is to say the novel was created in the Victorian era. In the early Victorian era, England achieved prosperity and progress and became the world’s largest economies; at the same time, it was undergoing economic instability and rising unemployment. When Oliver Twist appeared in the monthly magazine Bentley’s Miscellany for the first time, its subtitle was “The Parish Boy’s Progress.” Dickens wants to describe what it looked like to be a “parish boy” at that time, especially after the announcement of the New Poor Law in 1834. The theme of this novel is to reveal the fact that people who live at the bottom of the English society are facing the hardship. And by telling the story of Oliver Twist, Dickens wants to give the belief that the good triumphs over the evil. In the novel, some of the characters are evil, such as Fagin and Sikes; and some of them are good, such as Oliver and Rose. Only Nancy is the most complicated character. She has a conflicted inner world and has to make a choice between evil and good. One side of Nancy’s character is the reflection of dirty society. The other side of it is the pursuit of the truth, the goodness and the beauty. In the meantime, it also looks forward to a more reasonable society and a better life.
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