
    3.3 Research tolls    13
    3.4 Data analysis and analysis    15
    Chapter Four Results and Discussion    15
    4.1 The analysis of the consumption situation    16
    4.2 The analysis of functional attributes    20
    4.3 The analysis of symbolic attributes    22
    Chapter Five Recommendations    25
    5.1 Quality improvement    26
    5.2 Functional persification    26
    5.3 Price rationalization and promotion enhancement    26
    5.4 Service improvement    27
    5.5 Brand management    27
    5.6 Customer orientation    27
    5.7 Brand asserts accumulation    28
    5.8 Brand personality transmission    28
    Chapter Five Conclusion    29
    5.1 Major findings of this study    29
    5.2 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further studies    31
    References    32
    AppendixⅠ The questionnaire    34
    AppendixⅡ Results of the Questionnaire    36
    Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Skin-care Products’ Brand Image among Xuzhou Female College Students
    ------ Based on Consumer Psychology
    Chapter One   Introduction
    1.1 General statement
    Brand image is interpreted by many scholars from different perspectives. For specialists like Biel, Keller, Aaker, it refers to what the brand association adds up, while which means the combination of subjective feeling and objective cognition for Reynolds. Research has been done to enrich its theory. In the field of female skin-care products, some scholars have studied the relationship between the quality, packaging and brand image and strategies to build it also become the focus of many studies, while few explore the influencing factors of female skin-care products on this aspect.
    As various kinds of female skin-care products are springing into the market, more products are adopted for the purpose of moisturizers and screams like firming lotion, sun scream, eye mask, lip care, deep pore cleanser, hand lotion, and etc. The main targets of them are female college students. With a higher living standard, they prefer to use what can mirror their tastes, personalities, good qualities like confidence and the brand image is often related to such cognition. Thus, the functional functions like quality, function are not enough to meet their needs, while many additional aspects like the brand reputation, brand popularity, advertisements, and brand personality have an important influence on them.
    Therefore, it is important to do research on the influencing factors of skin-care products’ brand image among female college students based on consumer psychology, to do further analysis on the results, and to make suggestions for the corporations to build up a good brand image.
    1.2    Purpose and significance of the study
    1.2.1 Purpose of the study
    This study has two main purposes: exploring the influencing factors of skin-care products’ brand image among female college students and offering corporations good suggestions to build up it. There are few studies doing research on the its influencing factors as most studies focused on two main aspects: the relationship between skin-care products’ brand image and the quality, packaging; marketing strategies to build up a good brand image for corporations. Considering the importance of it to the female skin-care products, it’s necessary to make clear of those influencing factors and to help corporations to build good brand image. Besides, corporations can make a good use of these factors to build a good brand image to distinguish themselves from others. Thus they can come out on top in the fierce competition.
    1.2.2 Significance of the study
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