    摘 要全球化的发展使得电影业迅速崛起,字幕翻译成为了文化交流不可分割的一部分。但现阶段英语电影的字幕翻译并没有引起业内人士的足够重视,存在着良莠不齐的问题。提高字幕翻译质量一事迫在眉睫,我们需要寻求一种有效的翻译策略。本文采用了定性研究法、文献研究法和个案研究法,阐述了翻译目的论的内容和字幕翻译的特点及如何将目的论应用于字幕翻译。论文以《肖申克的救赎》为例,从目的论的视角分析其字幕翻译的策略,旨在为目的论应用于字幕翻译提供范例,从而使字幕翻译的质量得以提高。36168
    Abstract With the constant development of globalization, film industry has got a rapid rise, which has spurred subtitle translation to become an inseparable part of cultural exchanges. However, at the present stage, English film subtitle translation has not attracted enough attention of translators. What’s worse, the current domestic subtitle translation is a mixed bag. The quality of subtitle translation needs to be further improved and valued, and we need to find an effective translation strategy. Based on qualitative approach, documentation method and case study method, this paper introduces the content of Skopostheorie, characteristics of subtitle translation and the application of Skopostheorie to subtitle translation. It takes The Shawshank Redemption as an example and analyzes its subtitle translation strategies from the perspective of Skopostheorie, aiming to provide a good model for the application of Skopostheorie to subtitle translation and hoping that the quality of subtitle translation will achieve great improvement.
    Key words: Skopostheorie; subtitle translation; The Shawshank Redemption; 
              translation strategy                    
     Subtitle Translation of The Shawshank Redemption from the Perspective of Skopostheorie
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Skopostheorie    2
     2.1 Formation and Development    2
     2.2 Three Principles    2
      2.2.1 Skopos Rule    3
      2.2.2 Coherence Rule    3
      2.2.3 Loyalty Rule    3
    III. Subtitle Translation    3
     3.1 Importance of Subtitle Translation    3
     3.2 Characteristics of Subtitle Translation    4
      3.2.1 Limitation    4
      3.2.2 Popularity    5
      3.2.3 Complementarity    5
      3.2.4 Cross-culture    6
     3.3 Research Status of Subtitle Translation    6
    IV. Case Study    6
     4.1 The Shawshank Redemption    6
     4.2 Translation Strategies    7
      4.2.1 Amplification    8
      4.2.2 Omission    9
      4.2.3 Adaptation    10
      4.2.4 Translation Strategy of Proper Nouns    11
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15
    I. Introduction
        Nowadays, film industry, as an integral part of public art in modern life, performs its function of information and culture transmission. Especially in this age of globalization, cultural exchanges, as a way of building bridges between nations, is on the increase. So, foreign films and television works are more and more popular for people to learn about lives and cultures in other countries. Inevitably, subtitle translation has attracted more and more attention in the translation field. However, current domestic subtitle translation is not so positive, which is a mixed bag. Then, how can we change this condition? How can we improve the quality of subtitle translation?
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