    摘 要美国伟大的剧作家田纳西•威廉斯于20世纪40年代创作了《欲望号街车》,该剧讲述了50年代初南方淑女布兰奇•杜博伊斯乘坐一辆被称作“欲望号”的有轨电车来到美国东南部的新奥尔良投奔妹妹施苔拉并在妹妹家逗留的经历。在该剧中,田纳西•威廉斯用了许多象征手法来表现主题,对象征手法的研究将更有利于理解该剧。大多数评论家都在从文化的角度讨论该剧如性格冲突,男权统治或女性主义,但很少有人关注该剧中象征主义写作技巧的运用。本文通过对象征主义艺术的剖析揭露了神秘女主人公布兰奇沉沦的悲剧和人物的内心世界。希望通过对象征主义的剖析能够对该剧有更深刻的理解。36443
    Abstract The play A Streetcar Named Desire was created by USA great playwright Tennessee Williams in the 1940s. The play tells the story of a lady Blanche, who took a streetcar called desire to the southeastern New Orleans of the USA, sought refuge with her sister Stella and stayed in her sister's domicile in the early 50's. A lot of symbolism art was used to highlight the theme by Tennessee Williams in the play. Most critics have evaluated the play from the perspective of culture,such as gender analysis,masculine autonomy or feminism,but few have focused their attention on or attach enough importance to the technical aspect of the play. I believe the study of craftsmanship can lead to a better understanding of the play. This thesis aims to reveal how symbolism enhances the major themes of the play and give a comprehensive analysis of specific symbols through text analysis. Accordingly, it reveals a fascinating and violent tragedy of a southern belle Blanche and the inner worlds of the characters. Hopefully this paper will give more understanding of its symbolism in this play.  
    Key words: Tennessee Williams; A Streetcar Named Desire; symbolism
     An Analysis of the Symbolism in A Streetcar Named Desire
    摘 要...i
    I. Introduction..1
    II. The Playwright and the Play.2
    2.1 Playwright.2
    2.2 Play3
    III. The Stage Art and Its Symbolic Meaning.5
    3.1 Background Music..5
    3.2 Sound.6
    3.3 Light. 6
    3.4 Shadow .7
    IV. The Others and their Symbolic Meanings ..7
    4.1 The Physical Things and Their Symbolic Meanings7
    4.2 The Abstract Things and Their Symbolic Meanings..12
    V. Conclusion.16
    I. Introduction
    Williams successfully used symbolism to make his work A Streetcar Named Desire has a strong artistic effect. The drama has made such great success because Williams successfully used symbolism and expressionism to highlight the theme. That is "Poetic Realism" named by the Williams. This article will show the unique symbolism in A Streetcar Named Desire. Symbolism, once be considered as one of the oldest and the longest movement (Feidelson, Charles 4). Symbolism, for literature, mainly refers to the abstract concepts .The aim of using it is to express its similar concepts like thoughts or feelings, and the meanings of the specific images is far more than itself"(Robert 326). Symbolism had been mistranslated as something similar to expressionism by 1919. Merezhkovski was the founder of the school of symbolism in Rsusian literature, and his symbolism was touched with religion and philosophy. Over the years, the main research on A Streetcar Named Desire is how symbols elucidate themes, depicting persons, expressing the conflict of contradictory, and so on. YangJin claims that , “these three words like desire, death and dementia run through Blanche’s all trip, which is a symbol of Blanche’ s tragic fate.” written in Journal of Jinggangshan(61). The director of the original Broadway production Elia Kazan says, “All her behavior is those of the dying civilization she represents” (qtd.in). He insists that Williams charts the decline not only of characters but of an entire civilization. According to Guerin, “When an image (or an incident or other discrete item) takes on meaning beyond its objective self, it moves into the realm of symbol” (qtd.in). This thesis aims to reveal how symbolism enhances the major themes of the play and give a comprehensive analysis of specific symbols in this play and discuss how the misery and inner of the characters are disclosed through the remarkable use of symbols and hope to give more understanding of its symbolism in this play.
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