
     Gatsby is told entirely through Nick's eyes, who is Daisy's cousin and Gatsby's neighbor. It's a story said about a man named Gatsby, he lost his heart to a wealthy girl named Daisy when he was young. But he lost her at that time, because he was poor,lack of wealth and luxury, and was forced to the war. When he come back from the war, he do business in a illegal way ,and become a rich man. Gatsby comes back and still misses Daisy and want to marry her. He buys a huge house near Daisy and hopes her leaves her husband. He do everything just for Daisy and marry her .He devotes himself to acquiring possessions and throwing parties that he believes will enable him to win Daisy's love .But he will never know that she just a dream that he can never realize. At last he was dead for Daisy , nobody come to his funeral except his father and his friend Nick. Through a series of misfortunes, Gatsby’s dream was disillusioned and he can not own Daisy finally.
    Thematically, the story is not simple as we see. It is not a simple love story between a man and a lady. The hero and heroine both stand for the typical character in the Jazz Age. For Gatsby, he always thinks that money is all-powerful, it is the poverty makes him lost his lover, and he can get the pure love and the lady his beloved by his wealth. For Daisy, she is also a victim in that age. Being a fragile female without economic independence, she can do nothing to change her fate.  She is the representation of Gatsby’s American dream and it is also she who destroys his dream. But it is the whole society and her destiny ruins her life. Most people say she is a typical woman role in the Jazz Age that has a complicated character and draws upon lots of discusses about her. For the outstanding position of the novel The Great Gatsby and the typical character of Daisy, it is necessary and important to have a detailed analysis on the novel and characterize Daisy in this thesis.
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