
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    1.1 Research Background    1
    1.2 Research Methodology    2
    1.3 Structure of the Thesis    3
    2 Literature Review    4
    2.1 Skopostheorie    4
    2.2 Internet Buzzwords    5
    3 Application of IB in Subtitle Translation of American TV Series by Skopostheorie    7
    3.1 Adopting IB When Translating Interjections    7
    3.2 Adopting IB When Translating First Person    10
    3.3 Adopting IB When Translating Descriptions of People    13
    4 The Analysis of the Application of IB from the Perspective of Skopostheorie    17
    4.1 Advantages    17
    4.2 Limitations    18
    5 Case study    19
    6 Conclusion    22
    Bibliography    23
    1 Introduction
    This chapter mainly focuses on introducing the research background, methodology and structure of the thesis. By those introductions, the author hopes to provide a clear structure to the reader and to better serve what will be presented in the thesis later. All of those are preparing for the further study about the subject.

    1.1 Research Background
    Since the emergence of the first computer in the world in 1946, the Internet accordingly has been developed fast and deeply. Nowadays, the Internet almost influences every aspect of our life as well as work and takes itself as an indispensable part. With deepening impact of the Internet, a new kind of language appeared in our daily life from the Internet, which is usually called Internet buzzword and is enriched and renewed every year. Those words are so called for that they are immediately popular among people and widely used after turning up on the Internet. Actually they are created or recombined based on the social features at that time by netizen for amusive or sarcastic purpose. Moreover, the influence of Internet buzzwords is really beyond the scope of network. At present, more and more American TV series and movies are massively and actively adopting Internet buzzwords in E-C subtitle translation.

    Attitudes in academic circle, however, toward this phenomenon vary from person to person, which will make a difference to the development and application of Internet buzzwords. There are really many different ideas and stands around us to whether it is appropriate to apply Internet buzzwords into American TV series and movies E-C subtitle translation, which usually confuses us to some extent.

    Among different opinions about this issue, the author holds that no matter whether there are many people saying the application of Internet buzzwords in American TV series and movies is too vulgar and meaningless or destroys the elegance of the original edition, it is undeniable that the application of Internet buzzwords really wins more Chinese audiences and box office for American TV series and movies. So the author of the paper will mainly shows the positive impact of the application of Internet buzzwords in the thesis from the perspective of Skopostheorie.
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