
    毕业论文关键词:生存意义, 快乐, 自我
    Acknowledgments    i
    Abstract    ii
    摘要    iii
    1 Introduction    1
    2 Life Gift    3
    2.1 Definition of Gift    3
    2.2 Happiness, the Gift of Life    3
    2.3 The Two Boys in the Story Are Not Happy    4

    3 Happiness Lost, We are Lost    6
    3.1 The Two Boys in the Story Are “Lost”    6
    3.2 Why Peter Is “Lost”    7
    3.3 Why Kennedy Is “Lost”    8
    4 Seek Back Our Happiness    10
    4.1 Life Itself Is Valuable.    10
    4.2 Happiness Is the Purpose of Life    11
    4.3 Happiness Calls for Compromises with Oneself    12
    Conclusion    14
    Bibliography    15
    1 Introduction
    Seeking Back Your Life Gift is a Book written by Christopher Moon, who is the world-famous international speaker, psychotherapist, life coach and trainer of Psychology of Vision, with more than twenty years experience in personal coaching and group facilitation. His work has gained recognition in Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, China, Hong Kong, the U.S. and Canada. His work has been appreciated and praised by people whose lives were touched and transformed by his authenticity and perceptiveness because his work has inspired people of all professions, religious paths, ages and backgrounds, as his ingenious methods are simple, entertaining, inspirational, and potent. Recently, he has created a serial of special experiential methods on how to improving peoples’ personal development, how to set up an intimate relationships with others and how to dig up one’s talents. He has set up many courses of psychology in Taiwan and Mainland China, such as workshop for training for life coach, workshop for advanced training for life coach, workshop for relationships with parents and workshop for intimate relationships, which are deeply welcomed by people.

    Thousands of people who have experienced his training in the workshops appreciate his compassionate and humorous teaching. Christopher’s innovative approach to personal development is a synthesis of leading edge approaches in human psychology combined with solid, fundamental principles for Personal development, in terms of setting up social relationships and digging up personal talents. Christopher also draws on his vast experience in helping inpiduals finding their own answers. To their personal problems in life struggle, he has developed many unique training programs that inspire participants to reach a higher goal and better quality of life. Seeking Back Your Life Gift is one of his writings related to the concerned thesis.
    In Seeking Back Your Life Gift, two main characters, Peter and Kennedy are not satisfied with their life because neither of them is happy. Peter detests the world and its ways. He is aggressive and eager to challenge everyone. Kennedy cares much about what anyone else thinks of him. He is keen on pleasing others at full split in order to please himself, which contributes to the loss of his true inner voice. Until one day, they find an advertisement, which spurs them on to find the passion in their life. From the life-changing adventure, they follow their instincts and seek the happiness in their life, which is their life gift as well. From Seeking Back Your Life Gift, Christopher Moon emphasizes the importance of happiness in people’s life and concludes that happiness is the life gift and happiness is the purpose of life, which might enjoy the paramount importance in life topics.
    The purpose of the paper is to discuss the value of life and the meaning of life. This paper will be analyzing the importance of happiness in detail in accordance with the theme of the novel Seeking Back Your Life Gift just to enlighten people on how to improve themselves mentally and get rid of their feeling of being lost in this material society. Therefore, in this paper, the theme that happiness is the purpose of life will be emphasized in four aspects:
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