摘 要随着时代的发展,英语已经越来越好地融入到我们日常的生活和工作中,成为我们生活中必不可少的交流工具,而英语写作也起到了不可忽视的作用,特别对于中国学生,学好英语写作尤其重要。然而在中国学生的英语写作过程中却出现了十种比较典型的错误。本文将通过对中学生的简单抽查,了解他们在课堂以及课外时间花费了多少精力在英语写作上,还有他们平时的写作成绩。我将对这些英语写作中典型的错误进行简的分析并提出补救方法,引起教师和学生这一方面的重视,从而更深入的了解英语、了解英语写作最终学好英语。40086
Abstract Along with the development of the times, English has become more and more important in our daily life and work, it becomes an indispensable communication tool in our life. English writing also plays a considerable role, and it is particularly important for Chinese students. Yet in the process of English writing, Chinese students often make ten kinds of typical mistakes. This article will simply make survey that how much time students spend on writing in the class out of and their usual writing performance. In this article, I will mainly focus on the analysis of the typical mistakes in English writing and put forward remedial method to make teachers and students know the importance of English and English writing.
Key words: English writing; mistakes; Remedy; Necessity; impact
The Preliminary Analysis of Mistakes of Chinese Students in English Writing and Remedies
摘要 i
Abstract ii
I. Introduction 1
II. Typical Errors 2
2.1 Lacking of a Central Idea 2
2.2 Poor Contents 2
2.3 Neglect Cultural Differences 3
2.4 Neglect Transitional Words or Phrases 3
2.5 Neglect The Differences of Punctuations 4
2.6 Pronouns’ Different Meanings 4
2.7 Double Negation 5
2.8 Modifier and Parenthesis 5
2.9 Preposition and Article 5
2.10 Missing Ingredients in Sentence 6
III. The Reasons 6
3.1 Different Habit of Languages 7
3.2 The Reason from Textbook 7
3.3The Reason from Students 8
3.4 The Reason from Teachers 8
3.5 The Reason from Classes 10
IV. Remedies 10
4.1 Have Correct Attitude Rather Than Impatient 10
4.2 Memorise Sentence Elements 10
4.3 The Improvements from Students 11
4.4 The Improvements from Teachers 12
4.5 The Improvements from Reading 13
V. Conclusion 13
Bibliography 15
Acknowledgements 16
I. ntroduction
With the development of times, English skill is becoming more and more important for the future development and exchange of information, especially English reading and writing skills. They are related to the student’s ability to understand the English language and master it directly. In fact, if we really want to learn the English well and write a nice essay or article, the following elements should never be overlooked: the words, sentences and grammar. Among them, the accumulation of vocabulary should not be underestimated. In an English essay, word is the basic unit and element that constitutes a sentence. So accurate understanding of the meaning of the word is necessary. Therefore, it is an essential element to write good articles in English. A long sentence is composed of words, and the reader’s understanding of words has great impact on the sentence comprehension. Further, the reader's understanding of the sentence has a profound impact on their understanding of the entire English essay, which affects their understanding of the topics in the article, as well as the author's wording. An article is constituted by long sentences. Then, the understanding of article is inseparable from the reader’s understanding of the word. But to fully understand a long and complex sentence, grammar becomes extremely important. The article provides local and contextual expressions that taken together begin to compose a landscape or sphere where various language education researchers share wonderments and puzzlements, queries and inquiries, and insights and understandings. If readers are familiar with the various grammars, they can face the long complex sentences calmly and easily understand them. Now, the reader can clearly sort out the structure of the sentence, and identify the subject, predicate, object, adverbial and complement components quickly. Like this, the pen will show a beautiful English sentence. Chinese students must know that words are important in English reading and writing, however, mastering the grammar is more important than knowing the meanings of words. Mastering the grammar is the foundation to write a correct English sentence. In this article, we will focus on the mistakes and remedies in student’s English writing. So that high school students can learn how to deal with variety of English writing mistakes more calmly. Students are expected to take active measures to promote English writing and improve their writing skills in English in the future. Today, I will briefly analyse the mistakes that Chinese students often make in English writing, as well as offer some remedies for these errors.
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