
    II. Typical Errors

    2.1 Lacking of a Central Idea
        Students often ignore this essential issue when they are writing, because they focus on how to correctly express the sentence. In fact, many wrong statements are found in students’ writing by the teacher. Intentionally or unintentionally, it plays a leading role in students’ writing. In effect, the students' writing is loose and empty. There is no rational connection between the written content and writing materials. And it has a great deviation with the theme of the article. Although some students have decent language foundation and they can also write smoothly with little mistakes, they can’t get high score due to the unclear purpose and lacking of central information.
    2.2 Poor Contents
        We do not expect artistic writing from the junior high school student, but the article they write should meet the minimum requirement. Currently, in the English writing training, junior high school students are often required to write 6-8 sentences or an 80 words essay by the pictorial content in order to effectively evaluate their subject presentation and ease of operation ability. It makes a lot of junior high school students only to focus on the required number of words rather than writing better contents from the given picture, for instance, the ignorance of conjunction words between sentences. As the results of this, their sentences in the article are often independent to each other. From the overall view of the article, the sentences without transition words are often incoherent, and lack of fluency.
    2.3 Neglect Cultural Differences
        Writing errors caused by cultural differences in students writing exist in a wider scope, they occur more frequently than other error types. The main reason for this type of error in writing is the misunderstanding of the cultural difference between the West and East. Such errors are due to the distinct Chinese characteristics and undesirable habits.  Thus, it severely affects the quality of high school students’ English writing. The following some junior high school students’ English writing with the most basic and common errors.

        Example: Hang Zhou is a beautiful city.

        The name of cities should be written without spacing, such as Beijing, Hangzhou, Fujian, Xiamen, Xi’an and so on. They are totally different from person’s name. The similar type of error in the example above repeatedly appears in junior high school students’ English writings. We can see clearly that the development of English expression is tending to be the Chinese way. The students are often being able to correct them after careful thinking through the problem, but in practice they always make large number of the similar kind of mistakes. The most common mistakes appeared here are the location of prepositions’ structure.
    2.4 Neglect Transitional Words or Phrases
        Let's compare the following two sentences:
    1.    Salmons swim upstream, they leap over huge dams to reach their destination.
    2.    Salmons swim upstream, and then they leap over huge dams to reach their destination.
        It is obvious that the second sentence is the correct statement. Because the complex sentence contains two complete simple sentences. So these two simple sentences must be connected by a conjunction, which is what we call the transition of a word or phrase. But because of our negligence, we take a mistake so obviously. Some people are not good enough to grasp grammar which lesds to this error. So in writing process, we must be weighed grammar in sentences carefully, of course, the premise is that we must have a good grammar foundation.
    2.5 Neglect Differences of Punctuations
        In general, Chinese punctuation is consistent with the English punctuation. In addition, punctuation is just a pausal symbol of adjunct in an article, which can’t play a leading role in the article. A lot of English teachers themselves couldn’t use punctuation properly in English and have not paid enough attention to it. However, students use punctuation is absolutely casual due to the ignorance of English teacher. Thus, this phenomenon of the middle school students misuse punctuation in English Writing is quite common. It also has a negative effect on the overall beauty of the works, such as following examples:
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