    Abstract Chinese dietary culture has a long history and is famous all around world. With the increasing of Chinese restaurants, more and more people start to pay attention to the translation of Chinese cuisine names on menu, but few people notice the particularity of the translation of Chinese dietary culture in literal works. Hong Lou Meng, one of the greatest Chinese classic literary works, covers nearly all the aspects of traditional Chinese culture, especially the dietary culture. There are two complete translation versions of Hong Lou Meng, respectively translated by Yang Xianyi, Gladys Yang and David Hawkes, John Minford. 40256
    The thesis attempts to make a comparison of the translation of dietary culture in the two versions from German functionalism, in order to study the relationship between translation purposes and the choice of translation strategies. From the perspective of German functionalism, the choice of translation strategy is determined by translation purpose which is influenced by the time, places of translation and the background of translators. As a Chinese people, Yang Xianyi intends to spread Chinese culture through his translation. Therefore, he always prefers translation strategies which can ensure the faithfulness to source text. While Hawkes, as a Westerner, he translates this novel to introduce the literary content to English readers. So when translating this novel, he always prefers the strategies that can help target readers to understand. Through the research of this thesis, a conclusion can be drawn that the difference on translation purposes of Yang and Hawkes leads to their different choices on translation strategies.
    Key words: Translation Strategy      Translation Purpose      Dietetic Culture in Hong Lou Meng
    摘 要中国饮食文化源远流长,享誉海内外。近年来有关中国饮食文化翻译研究越来越多,但主要集中在菜谱翻译,而文学作品中饮食翻译的特殊性常常会被人们所忽略。《红楼梦》作为中国古典文学的巅峰之作,涉及了中国传统文化的方方面面,包括丰富的传统饮食文化。《红楼梦》曾有过两个优秀的全本译本,分别是杨宪益、戴乃迭译本和霍克斯、闽福德译本。
    毕业论文关键词:翻译策略      翻译目的     红楼梦饮食文化
    Abstract    i
    摘 要    iii
    Contents    iv
    Chapter One Introduction    1
    Chapter Two Empirical Research of the Translation of Dietetic Culture in Hong Lou Meng    5
    2.1 Translations of dishes' names suggesting raw materials    5
    2.2 Translations of dishes' names suggesting features    7
    2.3 Translations of dishes' names suggesting cultural connotations    9
    2.4 Translations of dishes' names suggesting dietetic functions.    11
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