
    In other countries, the classroom questioning can be traced back to Socrates’ midwifery, and also known as “Socratic’ catechetical method.’’ From the existing data, the most influential figure in the research of classroom questioning is a psychologist Wagg. From the overall, the research mainly focused on the function of classroom questioning, the classification of classroom questioning, the purpose of classroom questioning, the effectiveness of classroom questioning and classroom questioning strategies and so on. In 1912, on function research of classroom questioning, psychologist Stevens studied the classroom questioning from the perspective of positivism point of view. He points out that teachers asked about 395 questions every day, and the questions among the teachers have great difference. In 1973, for the research on classroom questioning function, Turner does a summary of 12 functions of classroom questioning; and American pedagogical expert L.H Clark and I.S Starr think there are 19 kinds of functions of classroom questioning. Different researchers have different views on the function of this issue not entirely consistent, but the view of several fundamental aspects are still the same, such as: inspire students’ thinking, stimulate students’ interest in learning, and diagnose the effect of teaching. On the research of classroom questioning strategies, Strother believes that classroom questioning strategy is the central part of the interactive teaching. Norton Ornstein and other researchers based on the study propose some strategies such as ranking, pointing, induction, increase the waiting time, stimulate the teachers’ questioning and so on. Synthesize the research of Norton and Ornstein; you can see the efficient questions involving four phases: preparations, questions, students’ organized answer, teachers’ feedback.
    The whole paper will be pided into five parts. The first part is the introduction part, including the background of the study, the literature review of English classroom questioning and the value of the paper. The second part is the research part. The paper investigates the situation of high school English classroom questioning and finds some problems. Based on the results of the research in the second part, the third part analyzes the causes of situation about high school English classroom questioning problems. The fourth part proposes the solution strategy. The fifth part is the conclusion part.
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