    摘要美剧在当今中国变得越来越流行,它给中国人的生活带来了特别的美式幽默, 不同形式的幽默语言为剧情增加了很多亮点,其全新的文化背景也给字幕翻译者带来了挑战。对美剧幽默语言这一文化载体的翻译不能只考虑语言文本的对等,更应该考虑到文化信息的有效传递。本文首先介绍了美剧字幕的特点,然后分析了影响美剧字幕中幽默语言翻译的因素, 最后以美剧《老友记》为范例, 提出一些美剧幽默语言翻译的具体策略。以期对美剧字幕翻译的研究有所帮助。40813
    Abstract  American sitcom becomes more and more popular in contemporary China, which brings special American humor to Chinese people’s life. Difficult styles and forms of American humor add bright spot for the plot of American sitcoms, and the new cultural background also brings challenges to subtitling translators of American sitcoms. Humor, as a carrier of culture, the translation of which should not only consider the equivalence of language, but more consideration should be given to the transfer of cultural information. This paper first introduces the characteristics of American sitcom subtitle, then analyzes the factors which affect subtitle translation of humorous language in American sitcoms and finally proposes some specific translation strategies of humorous language in American sitcom subtitle by taking Friends as an example, in the hope of being helpful to translation studies of American sitcom subtitle.
    Key words: humor; American sitcom subtitle; translation strategies
     On Subtitle Translation of Humorous Language in American Sitcoms
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. The Characteristics of American Sitcom Subtitle    2
    2.1 Instantaneity    2
    2.2 Colloquialism    2
    2.3 Humor    2
    2.4 Professional Term    4
    III. The Factors Affecting Subtitle Translation of Humorous Language in American Sitcoms    4
    3.1 The Audience Rating    5
    3.2 Cultural Return    6
    3.3 Colloquial Domestication    7
    IV. Translation Strategies of Humorous Language in American Sitcom Subtitle    8
    4.1 Foreignization    9
    4.2 Domestication    10
    4.3 Rewriting    11
    4.4 Reduction    .12
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgments    15
    I. Introduction

    Nowadays, American sitcoms sweep around the world. At the same time, American humor also comes into our life. With the frequent cultural exchanges between China and the US, the translation of American sitcoms has become a hot spot in translation field which more and more scholars are taking into concern. The success or failure of American sitcom subtitle translation depends largely on the translation of humorous language in it. This paper attempts to propose some specific translation strategies of humorous language in American sitcoms with concrete examples, so that Chinese audience can understand American sitcoms better and thus it will help promote Sino-American cultural communication.
    Experts and scholars at home have done some researches on the translation of humorous language in American sitcoms from different perspectives. Jiang Yingying(29)proposed that the accurate subtitle translation not only can help viewers to easily enjoy the original story and learn authentic American English, but also can bring spiritual pleasure to the audience. In a Study on Subtitle Translation Strategies of Humorous Language in Friends, Hou Xiaoying(112) pointed out that as a result of the limit of time and space and different cultural backgrounds, the humorous effect of subtitle translation is usually achieved by the application of reduction method, rewriting method and normalization method. Ouyang Lifeng(49) discussed the translation of humorous language within the framework of Functionalism. He believed adaptation could be regarded as the guideline in dealing with linguistic humor translation. However, these studies are not comprehensive enough.
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