     Abstract Writing ability is the basic skill in university English learning. Writing not only transfers information, but also plays a vital role in communication among people. Based on the rhetoric theory, this paper analyses the application of personification in university English writing by adopting the methods of making contrast and making examples. According to the research, the author finds out that the proper usage of personification adds both vividness and vitality to students’ English writing. Hopefully, this paper helps readers have a good grasp of personification and apply it to their writings in order to provide an aesthetic effect to their writings.
    Key words: personification;rhetoric;university English writing
    On the Usage of Personification in University English WrContents
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Personification    2
    2.1 A Brief Description of Modern Rhetoric    2
    2.2 Definition of Personification    3
    Ⅲ. English Writing in University    7
    3.1 The Current Situation of University English Writing    7
    3.2 The Main Problems in University English Writing    7
    Ⅳ. The Usage of Personification in University English Writing    9
    4.1 The Function of Personification in University English Writing    9
    4.2 The Specific Applications of Personification    10
    4.3 Suggestions on Improving Students’ English Writing in University    14
    Ⅴ. Conclusion    15
    Bibliography    17
    Acknowledgements    18
    I. Introduction
    English learning aims at improving students’ abilities in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating. All of these five abilities play a vital role in English learning. Writing is a means for communicating with others. However, there isn’t enough attention paid to it. It is a long and hard job for students to meet the needs of university English writing. Many students are rather poor as far as university English writing ability is concerned. Their writing ability is undeveloped in spite of various kinds of effects. In a word, the training of writing ability is a significant obligation and is of utmost importance for both teachers and students in university’s English learning.
    Rhetoric is a kind of powerful and creative device in English writing. Applying rhetoric to one’s university English writing will not only add vividness to writing but also let readers unlock the door of imagination.
    The application of personification in university English writing has been studied for a long time. However, lots of students don’t realize the importance of this rhetoric device in English writing. As a kind of rhetoric device, personification is a figure of speech in which inanimates objects or abstractions are presented with human qualities or forms.
    The purpose of the paper is a tentative effort to discuss the proper usage of personification, with the hope to help students apply this kind of rhetoric device to their writings successfully. The objectives of research lie in that personification provide a brand-new perspective for writing training. With the help of personification, students not only write a smooth article but also express their inner world vividly.
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