    毕业论文关键词:郝思嘉; 《飘》;性格特征;根源
    Abstract Gone with the Wind is a romantic novel written by the famous American writer Margaret Mitchell under the background of the American Civil War. It is about the Scarlett’s whole life who experienced the American Civil War. Since published, the novel has been well known. Later, the novel is adapted into a film. This paper mainly analyzes Scarlett’s characters and the roots of Scarlett’s characters. Under the male-dominated society, Scarlett is a representative woman who is brave enough to love and dare to hate. Through thorough analysis of Scarlett’s characteristics and feminist consciousness which is different from others, the paper reveals that character is important to people’s whole life. Hopefully this paper will be beneficial to the understanding of the movie.
    Key words: Scarlett; Gone with the Wind; characteristics; reasons
    An Analysis of the Characteristics and the Reasons for the Formation of the Heroine in the Movie Gone with the Wind
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Theme of the film    2
     2.1 Following Conventional Woman Role    2
    2.2 The Growth of Scarlett’s Feminist Consciousness    3
    2.3 Holding on her Feminist Consciousness    4
    III. Scarlett’s Personalities    5
    3.1 Bravery    5
    3.2 Optimism    6
    3.3 Strong will    8
    3.4 Rebelliou    9
    3.5 Selfishness    10
    IV. The Causes of the Formation of Scarlet’s Character    11
    4.1 The Influence of Natural Environment    11
    4.2 The Influence of the People Surrounding Scarlett    11
    4.3 The Influence of the Civil War and the Reconstruction    12
    V. Conclusion    12
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgements    15                           
    I. Introduction

    The exciting movie Gone with the Wind, which is about the Scarlett’s whole life at the background of the American Civil War. Scarlett is a representative woman role who is bravely enough to love and dare to hate. In the novel Gone with the Wind, Scarlett has a complicated character. Katie Scarlett O’Hara is the main character both in the novel and movie Gone with the Wind. In the movie, Scarlett is the oldest daughter of the family that contains five members, her father is an immigrants and her mother is from Georgia. Scarlett also has two sisters. The family is in an abundant field named Tara, which is in the south of Atlanta. Scarlett loves her father and her family very much. However sometimes her love is completely selfish.
    Before the Civil War, Scarlett is the charming woman in the kinds of party. She enjoys taking lot of party, and in the party, many young man fall in love with her, but she doesn’t like those young men. Scarlett falls in love with blue Ashley. But it is so pity that he is in love with Melanie rather than Scarlett. One day, Scarlett’ family went to Ashley’s field to barbecue. At the parties, Scarlett follows the tracks of Ashley when he is alone in a room. Scarlett expresses her deep love to Ashley, but Ashley turns down firmly and unshakely. Scarlett is so angry that she throws a vase on the wall, and finds Rhett Butler lying on the room unexpectedly. The Rhett Butler overhears the dialogue between Scarlett and Ashley. Rhett is captivated by Scarlett’s beauty and energy at once like most men. In the time, the audience guesses that Rhett is the true man for Scarlett at once, because he is the only one man who can challenge and tame her.
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