    Abstract Verbal humor is the important part of the humor is inseparable, formed under the specific environment of language, and is of great significance and distinctive connotation. Humor and humor contains exist early, including a large number of fresh ingredients and vivid expression, both have the meaning that make people laugh and good or bad phenomenon implied in which of the society . This paper analyzes from the principle of cooperation, humor and verbal humor by the way of listing and comparison. This paper is aim to let the readers and viewers better understand and appreciate humor and verbal humor according to the analysis of Hannah Montana. After reading this, readers can have a deeper understanding of humor in daily life in order to make full use of humor and language humor.
    Key words: humor; humorous utterances; cooperative principle.
    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Humor and Humorous Utterances    2
    2.1 The Definition of Cooperative Principle    2
    2.2 The Definition of Humor    2
    2.3 The Previous Studies on Humor    3
    2.4 Different Verbal Humor    4
    2.5 The Origin of Verbal Humor    5
    III. Analysis of Verbal Humor in Hannah Montana    5
    IV.The Verbal Humor in Hannah Montana and the four Maxims of CP    9
    4.1 Humor Produced in the Violation of the Maxim of Quantity    10
    4.2 Humor Produced in the Violation of the Maxim of Quality    11
    4.3 Humor Produced in the Violation of the Maxim of Manner    11
    V.Conclusion    13
    Bibliography    14
    Acknowledgments    15
    An Analysis of the Verbal Humor in Hannah Montana from the Perspective of Cooperative Principle
    I. Introduction

        Verbal humor is a type of humor that should be constructed and expressed with the aid of language tools such as comedies, sketches, cross talks, jokes, etc. (Liu, 2003) uttered by the speaker under some specific circumstances. In order to understand humor, the hearer or the reader needs to infer and detect the speaker’s intention with the help of contextual cues as well as the linguistic and non-linguistic knowledge he has acquired. Verbal humor is a hot topic in linguistic research and also a language phenomenon commonly seen in verbal communication. They are the utterances serving as humor in communication. In people’s daily life, those who are humorous are usually more popular because they make others relaxed and enjoy talking with them. With a long history, humor has been studied in the fields such as traditional psychology, philosophy, aesthetics, and those studies still have great influence on present ones. It was not until the end of 1970s that the research about humor in linguistics was noted. Due to the unique artistic effects and communicative values, they are widely preferred in research.
        Verbal humor is the lubricant in interpersonal communication and plays a significant role in people’s daily life. It presents the speaker’s excellent ability of language application and also witnesses his wisdom, reflecting the flexibility of language using. In the recent decades, many linguists such as Ruskin, Attardo and Pocheptsov have discussed and studied humor from various aspects. In China, the research on humor language is also a popular issue concerned by many fields such as linguistics, sociology, psychology and so on. The research starts from different perspectives and reaches a great many research results.
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