
    H.G. Wells was born into a poor family, but he managed a rather comfortable existence as a teacher. His first works were published in 1895. His early writings were primarily science fiction, several of which have become classics. Even today, these science fiction works are extremely popular. Several of Wells' writings have been made into movies and television series. Wells was a self-described socialist and was a member of several socialist societies, most notably, the Fabian Society. Many of his non-fiction writings such as A Modern Utopia and The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind contain elements describing of his political beliefs. He even ran for political office as a Labor Party candidate in 1922. He also wrote several history books including The Outline of History and A Short History of the World. Like many science fiction writers, Wells predicts the future. For example, he describes inaccurately space travel and air travel. He also described heat rays and genetic tinkering. HG Wells died in London, England in 1946. The cause of death is not known, but is suspected to be cancer of the liver.

    The Invisible Man, which was published in 1897, is one of popular science fictions of H.G. Wells. It is about a strange scientist that ventures out only at night and whose body is completely covered with gloves, a hat and bandages. This scientist has made himself invisible and as a result is slowly becoming mad. This fiction shows us a life of human who gets the imaging power. In our eyes, there is no doubt that Griffin’s life is a tragedy. In this thesis, the factors which destroy Griffin’s whole life will be revealed.

    This thesis consists of four chapters, including introduction and conclusion. The first chapter sets out to summarize the whole fiction, and introduce the major characters. In this part, the main story and the features of the major characters will be given including some previous researches on Jack Griffin; the second part will introduce Freud and his psychoanalytic theory from basic assumptions. Then the personality theory will be introduced. This chapter constitutes the main theoretical basis of the whole thesis; the third chapter is devoted to analyzing Jack Griffin. In this chapter, Freudian theories will be used to analyze Jack Griffin from his personality. It will reveal the main factor which makes Jack Griffin become cynical; the fourth chapter centers on the analysis of Jack Griffin from external factor. The social background in the story and how social factors contribute to Jack Griffin’s psychological changing will be given.
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