    毕业论文关键词    围城   翻译策略    文化负载词    归化   异化
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title  Translation Strategies and Revelation of Culture-Loaded Words in English version of Fortress Besieged
    Based on Nida's five cultural elements and Lawrence Venuti' theory of foreignization and domestication, this paper takes the English version of Fortress Besieged which is translated by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao as materials to analyze the translation of culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged by theories and examples. According to Lawrence Venuti' theory of foreignization and domestication which is discussed in his book Translator's Invisibility, this paper will study the translation strategies of culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged. At the same time, this paper will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of foreignization and domestication. Only the proper combination of foreignization and domestication can help keep the unique Chinese culture in the translated version and make the westerners better perceive its profound meaning.
    Keywords  Fortress Besieged; Translation strategies; Culture-loaded words; Foreignization;  Domestication
    Table of content
    1 Introduction1
     1.1 The purpose of the thesis1
     1.2 The structure of the thesis .2
    2 Brief introduction of Fortress Besieged and its author .3
    3 Analysis of the culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged.5
     3.1 The definition of culture-loaded words5
     3.2 Classification of culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged. .5
      3.2.1 Ecological culture-loaded words .6
      3.2.2 Material culture-loaded words.. 6
      3.2.3 Social culture-loaded words.6
      3.2.4 Religious culture-loaded words..6
      3.2.5 Linguistic culture-loaded words..7
    4 Translation strategies of culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged.8
     4.1 Use of foreignization in Fortress Besieged8
     4.2 Use of domestication in Fortress Besieged9
     1. Introduction
    1.1 The purpose of the thesis 
    With the constant development of economy, culture and society, globalization has become an irreversible tendency. In the progress of the globalization, the exchange and communication between two different cultures must increasingly deepen. However, the cultural exchange needs translation to frame bridge. Since 1970s, the culture school of western translation has rapidly risen, providing many new perspectives in researching translation theories. For example, the most famous five cultural elements proposed by Nida and the translation theory of foreignization and domestication proposed by Lawrence Venuti, etc.
    Qian Zhongshu was regarded as one of the most illustrious Chinese authors to the westerners. In his whole life, Mr. Qian devoted himself in studying Chinese history, philosophy, classic literature and at the same time reading and researching the new and old literature, philosophy, psychology of western. His representative work --- Fortress Besieged was considered one of the two greatest contemporary Chinese novels. As a Chinese classic, Fortress Besieged had never been ignored by fanatics in academic world and art circles.
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