
    Since the English version of Fortress Besieged, which was first translated by Jeanne Kelly and Nathan K. Mao, was published in 1979 in western countries, it has received great attention from the readers, critics as well as translators in western academic world.
    Many scholars believe that the English version of Fortress Besieged complies with western readers and western culture. Although complying with the trend of the western culture seems to accord with the idea of western readers, enabling western readers to take great interest in Chinese culture, it shows that some irreconcilable differences between western culture and Chinese culture cannot be embodied and that in the process of going to the world stage some Chinese traditional culture has lost its originality
    In Fortress besieged, there are a lot of culture-loaded words. Culture-loaded words are phrases and idioms which reflect the unique national culture characteristics. The culture gap between Chinese and English brings great difficulty in the translation of culture-loaded words. This paper hopes to conclude the various methods used by translators when translating culture-loaded words through analyzing typical examples in the original text and the target text and try to systemize the adopted strategies and skills when translating culture-loaded words. At the same time, the paper hopes to discover the spread and loss of Chinese culture in the process of translating culture-loaded words through analyzing the previous translators’ works.
    1.2 The structure of the thesis
    Chapter one begins with the introduction which talks about the research subject, method and main purposes, and then introduces the structure of the paper.
    Chapter two will give a brief introduction of the novel, Fortress Besieged, its author and the English version.
    Chapter three focuses on the definition and classification of culture-loaded words.
    Chapter four probes the translation strategies of culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged. In this chapter, the definition and some example of foreignization and domestication will be discussed.
    The last chapter comes to the conclusion. This section will summarize the foreignization and domestication and discuss the spread and loss of Chinese culture through the translation of culture-loaded words and bring this article to the end with re-emphasizing the purpose of this thesis as well as its limitation.
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