    AbstractWith the gradual increase in the number of the population of electronicsconsumers in China, Apple company successfully increases the recognition of theproduct and the brand and becomes the marketing leader in China.Domestic scholars mostly analyze its marketing strategies. However, based onthe Customer Behavior Theory, the article conducts analysis on the consumer’spurchase motivation and then the secret of its success.This paper takes Jiangsu Normal University as an example. First, throughliterature review, the author promotes two classifications of purchase motivations:inpidual-oriented and social-oriented purchase motivation. Second, throughempirical research, two hundred effective questionnaires are gained.After the analysis of the data, some results are gained. First, inpidual-orientedpurchase motivation motives college students’ purchase of iPhone, which is also themost effective factor. Second, the product itself is the most important factor inaffecting college students’ purchase behavior.To some degree, the research is limited. However, it’s concluded thatinpidual-oriented purchase motivation has greater effect on the purchase of iPhone.In such rapidly-developing electronic industry, the research provides some effectivesuggestions to domestic companies.41514
    Key words: iPhone purchase behavior purchase motivation
    摘 要随着中国经济的持续快速增长和电子产品消费人数的逐步上升,国外电子品牌纷纷加快攻占中国市场的步伐。其中苹果公司通过市场定位、特色营销等手段成功影响消费者的消费决策,提高了苹果产品的认知度和品牌识别度,以iPhone的营销最为突出。国内学者大多对苹果手机的营销策略进行研究,也有少数从产品进行研究。本文从消费者行为角度,从消费者购买动机角度对苹果公司的 iPhone 手机的购买行为进行针对性的分析, 旨在找到苹果营销策略对消费者决策制定产生影响的关键点。本研究对江苏师范大学大学生进行了调查。首先,通过文献综述,从购买动机角度对 iPhone 手机进行研究,根据 Vigneron 和 Johnson 研究奢侈品的购买动机分类理论,将购买动机类型分为:个人性消费动机和社会性消费动机。再通过线上和线下的问卷调查的方式进行实证研究,共回收了200 份有效问卷。研究发现,1、7 种购买动机中,个人主导型购买动机对大学生购买手机的行为产生影响,并且也是最具有影响力的购买动机。2、从购买动机入手,影响消费者的购买行为主要有这几个方面:产品质量,性能,外观,性价比,品牌等等。本研究对大学生购买 iPhone 手机的购买动机研究虽有局限之处,但是探究出了个人主导型购买动机具有巨大影响力。在快速发展的电子产品行业,不断创新产品,树立品牌价值,才是国内同行应该借鉴的。
    毕业论文关键词:iPhone 手机 消费行为 购买动机
    Chapter One Introduction..1
    1.1 General Statement1
    1.2 Research Significance2
    1.3 Overall Structure..2
    Chapter Two Literature Review..4
    2.1 Theoretical Framework.4
    2.1.1 Definition of Purchase Motivation..4
    2.1.2 Classifications of Purchase Motivation.6
    2.2 Related Studies of Purchase Motivation..7
    2.2.1 Related Studies Abroad..7
    2.2.2 Related Studies at Home9
    Chapter Three Methodology..11
    3.1 Research Questions..11
    3.2 Research Subject11
    3.3 Research Instrument.12
    3.4 Research Procedures.13
    Chapter Four Results and Discussion14
    4.1 The Effective Types of Purchase Motivations.14
    4.1.1 Inpidual-oriented Purchase Motivation..14
    4.1.2 Social-oriented Purchase Motivation..17
    4.2 The Aspects that Purchase Motivations Affect Purchase Behavior21
    Chapter Five Conclusion.24
    5.1 Major Findings24
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