    Abstract The paper provides an overview of the theory and practice of Real EstateMarketing Strategy. By analyzing the Marketing Strategy of Longfor Real Estate Co.Ltd., the author puts forward her own idea on the innovation of Real Estate MarketingStrategy. Realty business is not only a profitable industry, but also a high-risk industry.In today's increasingly competitive market, the most concern of the propertydevelopers is the profit maximization as well as boosting sales of their house property..However, in the marketing process, the national policy, marketing environment, thequality of the enterprise itself, and many other factors give cause for chanllengesfacing the real estate developers. As for this phenomenon, the author holds that everyindustry has its own operating rules and inherent logic. Compared with generaleconomic products, real estate—being the combination of object, equity andlocation— has its unique characteristics. So the real estate marketing must be builtupon its specific rule and the inherent logic, only in this way could the innovativemarketing stragety be available to help enterprise form distinctive culture and uniquestyle.41973
    KeyWords: real estate marketing strategy Longfor innovation
    摘 要本文主要概述了房地产市场营销策略的理论和实践,通过分析龙湖地产特有的营销策略,作者对房地产市场营销的创新提出了自己的观点和看法。房地产既是一个高收益产业,也是一个高风险产业。在市场竞争日益加剧的今天,怎样使公司的效益最大化,能够卖出更多的楼盘,成为了房地产开发商最大的目标。但由于受国家政策、营销环境、企业自身素质等多方面的影响,房地产商在楼盘的营销过程中会面临各种各样的问题。对于这一现象,作者认为每一个行业所面临的市场都有其特有的运作规律和内在逻辑。房地产是实物、权益和区位三者的结合,和一般的经济产品相比有着独有的特性。因此房地场营销必须先以房地产业和房地产市场特有的规律和性质为基础,按照其特有的逻辑去办事,并在此基础上根据市场的特点对营销策略进行创新,形成企业独有的文化和风格,才能在更新换代飞速的中国房地产市场扎稳脚跟。
    毕业论文关键词: 房地产 市场营销策略 龙湖 创新




    Chapter One Introduction...1

    1.1 Research Background...1

    1.2 Significance of the Research1

    1.3 Frame of the Research..2

    Chapter Two Literature Review..4

    2.1 Real Estate Marketing..4

    2.1.1 Summary of Marketing.4

    2.1.2 Summary of Real Estate Marketing..4

    2.2 Real Estate Marketing Strategy5

    2.2.1Summary of Real Estate Marketing Strategy.5

    2.2.2 Literature Review..5

    Chapter Three Methodology...7

    3.1 Investigation.7

    3.2 Case Study7

    3.2.1 Definition of SWOTAnalysis...7

    3.2.2 Characteristic of SWOTAnalysis.7

    Chapter Four Research Results and Analysis.9

    4.1 Introduction of Longfor Real Estate.9

    4.2 SWOTAnalysis of Longfor Real Estate ...10

    4.2.1 Strengths..10

    4.2.2 Weaknesses..11

    4.2.3 Opportunities...11

    4.2.4 Threats.12

    4.3 Special Marketing Strategy12

    4.3.1 Product Patterned Marketing Strategy.12

    4.3.2 Experiential Marketing Strategy..13

    4.3.3 Advertising Marketing Strategy...14

    4.3.4 Public Relation Marketing Strategy14

    4.4 Innovation of Real Estate Marketing Strategy...15

    4.4.1 Brand Marketing.15

    4.4.2 Humanity Marketing...16

    4.4.3 Green Marketing.16

    4.4.4 Service Marketing...17

    Chapter Five Conclusion..18

    On the Marketing Strategy of Real Estate Enterprise--TakingLongfor Real Estate Co.Ltd. as an ExampleChapter One Introduction

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