    Abstract With the rapid development of economy and the promotion of reform andopening up, foreign communication is becoming more and more frequent. Tourismhas raised itself above so many professions. China is a country with a long history andhas a vast territory and abundant resources. The places of historic interest and itsscenic beauty attract a large number of foreign tourists, so the translation of the namesand introduction of the scenic spots becomes very important because the quality of thetranslation will influence directly on the foreign tourist's interest towards China'sunique culture and the dissemination of Chinese culture.Suzhou gardens, as one of the famous spots with Chinese characteristics, aretypical of its kind. This essay is concerned about the translation strategies of Suzhougardens scenic spots from the angle of cultural diffusion, and studies the relevantstrategies of tourism translation. Through my research, I draw a conclusion that literaltranslation is the prior choice in translating scenic spots, while free translation andtransliteration tend to be supplements. Meanwhile, problems do exist in some Englishtranslations and I come up with the solutions to them. All in all, the aim of the paper isto suggest the translators to pay attention to the spread of Chinese classical cultureduring the translating process so that foreign visitors can further appreciate the charmof Chinese culture.41988
    KeyWords: Chinese culture Suzhou garden relevant translation
    摘 要随着我国改革开放的推进和经济的快速发展,对外交流也日益频繁。旅游业在众多行业中脱颖而出,中国地大物博,历史悠久,各地名胜古迹吸引着大量外国游客。为了让他们更好地了解中国及各景点的文化,旅游景点的名称及简介翻译显得尤为重要,其质量也会直接影响外国友人对中国独特文化的兴趣指数,影响中国文化的对外传播。苏州园林作为具有中国特色的景点之一,具有鲜明的代表性。本文以苏州园林的景点名称翻译为研究对象,以文化传播为视角,探讨旅游翻译的相关策略。通过对苏州园林景点翻译策略的研究, 本文得出这样的结论: 景点翻译直译为主,意译和音译为辅。同时笔者在研究这些翻译名称时发现了问题,并针对这些问题提出了自己的解决办法, 旨在希望译者能够在翻译过程中重视中国古典文化的传播,让外国友人能够更充分地领略中国文化的魅力。
    毕业论文关键词:中国文化 苏州园林 相关策略




    Chapter One Introduction..1

    1.1 Research Background1

    1.2 Research Significance and Purposes.1

    1.3 Thesis Structure2

    Chapter Two Literature Review..3

    2.1 Researches on Translation Strategies Abroad and at Home..3

    2.2 Researches on Translation of Scenic Spots4

    Chapter Three Methodology.5

    3.1 Research Questions5

    3.2 Research Methods..5

    3.3 Research Data5

    Chapter Four Results and Discussion..7

    4.1 Results..7

    4.2 Discussion..7

    4.2.1Features and Functions of Scenic Spots Translation..7

    4.2.2 Specific Translation Strategies of Scenic Spots .8

    4.2.3 Problems on Suzhou Garden Scenic Spots Translation..9 Unclear Logic9 Lack of Cultural Connotation.10 Lack of Further Explanation12

    4.3 Strategies to Perfect the Translation of Suzhou Garden Scenic Spots..13

    4.3.1 Combining Free Translation with Transliteration13

    4.3.2. Being More Flexible and Richer in Cultural Connotation.14

    4.3.3 Describing Architectural Features More Clearly..14

    Chapter Five Conclusion.15

    5.1 Major Findings..15

    5.2 Limitations..15

    5.3 Suggestions for Further Study16


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