
    Abstract With the popularity of online shopping among college students, more and more express companies see this business opportunity, so they begin to choose to enter the university district to share this big cake of express market in colleges and universities. In this intense competition, in order to hold a dominant position in this market, Shentong Express Delivery must understand its image and status of enterprise service in college students, understand its customer satisfaction of college students and analyze its problems. So improving the logistics level and service quality of STO is an inevitable choice to gain the competitive advantage. These are the means of occupying the express market in colleges and universities for STO.41990

    This thesis introduces China’s express delivery industry status and trend in development, uses some theories about customer satisfaction and combines a questionnaire which is filled in among students at Normal University to analyze some problems of STO’s customer satisfaction and analyze some questions of STO’s customer satisfaction and factors which affect STO’s customer satisfaction. Starting off through these problems, this thesis finds out the reasons for STO's low customer satisfaction, then puts forward the countermeasures to improve the customer satisfaction of STO.

    Key Words: Online Shopping      STO      Customer Satisfaction

    摘 要随着大学生网络购物的流行,越来越多的快递公司看到商机,开始选择进驻大学新区,分食高校快递市场这一块大蛋糕。在这激烈的竞争中,申通快递要想稳住这份市场的主导地位就必须了解其企业服务在高校学生心中的形象及地位,了解高校学生对其企业的顾客满意度,分析解决其企业存在的问题,从而提高其企业物流水平和服务质量,这是在申通快递在物流行业获得竞争优势的必然选择,也是申通快递公司占领高校市场的一种手段。


    毕业论文关键词: 网络购物     申通快递     顾客满意度  





    Chapter One Introduction1

    1.1 Research background. 1

    1.2 Research significance2

    1.3 Research contents and methods3

    Chapter Two China’s Express Delivery Industry Status and Development Trend 4

    2.1The origin of the express industry.4

    2.2 Development status and trend.4

    Chapter Three An Overview of Customer Satisfaction..5

    3.1 The meaning of customer satisfaction..5

    3.2 The necessity of improving customer satisfaction..6

    Chapter Four Analysis on the Reasons of the Backward Customer Satisfaction of STO7

    4.1 A survey of STO’s customer satisfaction.7

    4.2 Factors affecting customer satisfaction12

    4.3 Analysis on problems of STO’s customer satisfaction14

    Chapter Five Suggestions to STO..15

    5.1 Increasing investment in advertising and expanding the use of STO channels15

    5.2 Cutting the price and creating value for customers..15

    5.3 Raising personnel's character and improving service quality of STO..16

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