    Abstract With the rapid development of Internet market in China, shopping online has become a new way of shopping, providing a new sales channel for businesses. However, how to occupy a larger share in the market and how to stimulate more consumers have become the focuses of e-marketers. China's online shopping market potential is still far away from being released. While college students have a strong ability to accept new things and online shopping has been recognized by more and more students, especially female students, who seem to have become the main force of the network shopping tide. Therefore, the influence factors of online shopping behavior cannot be ignored. Based on the consumer behavior and consumer online shopping behavior theory, firstly, the thesis analyzes the factors influencing online shopping behavior of female college students, and then puts forward the marketing strategies from the angle of 4P theory. The research  attempts  to improve and expand the theory of online shopping behavior  of female college students. The recommendation is designed to provide marketing reference to increasingly competitive online shopping sales businesses, so as to improve their network market competitiveness.  41991
    Key Words:online shopping      female college student      influencing factors      marketing strategy 摘   要 在中国互联网市场迅猛发展的今天,网络购物已然成为了一种新的购物方式,为商家提供了一条新的销售渠道。然而,如何在市场上占领更大的份额,如何能够刺激和吸引更多的消费者,是目前电子商家所普遍关心的问题。中国网络购物的市场潜力还远未被释放,大学生作为一特殊消费群体,接受新生事物能力较强,网购消费也受到越来越多大学生们的接受和认可,尤其是天性就爱购物的女大学生们俨然已成为网络购物大潮中的主力军。因此其网络购物行为的影响因素不容忽略。 本文以消费者行为学及网购消费行为理论为基础理论依据,首先通过分析影响女大学生网购行为的因素,从营销 4P 的角度向商家提出针对性的营销策略。希望本文的研究可以为女大学生网购行为的相关理论添砖加瓦;结论建议旨在为网络购物销售商家提供一些营销建议,提高网商的市场竞争力。     
    毕业论文关键词:网购     女大学生     影响因素     营销策略  


    Abstract  .  i 

    摘要  ii 

    Contents . iii 

    Chapter One Introduction   1 

    1.1 Background of the Selected Topic  .  1 

    1.2 Purpose and Significance  .  2 

    1.3 Structure of the Thesis .  3 

    Chapter Two Literature Review  .  5 

    2.1 Conception of Online Shopping.  5 

    2.2 The Related Study of College Students' Online Shopping Behavior  .  6 

    Chapter Three Research Methods    8 

    3.1 Sample Choosing  .  8 

    3.2 Features of Sample  .  8 

    Chapter Four Problems and Analysis  .  11 

    4.1 Analysis on Influencing Factors  .  11 

    4.2 Suggestions to Business Marketing  .  13 

    Chapter Five Conclusions    15 

    5.1 Conclusions of the Research    15 

    5.2 Deficiencies and Prospects   15 

    Bibliography   17 

    Appendix    20
    On the Influencing Factors of Female College Students’ Online Shopping——Based on the Female Students at Jiangsu Normal University  Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Background of the Selected Topic At present, the Internet has become an indispensable tool for business activities. More importantly, it has created a brand new way of shopping consumption —— online shopping. Until the end of June 2015, the scale of China's Internet users exceeded 6.5 billion, reaching 6.67 million, 1894 million new users added in the first half of the year. Compared with that of the end of the last year, the Internet penetration rate increased by 0.9 percentage points, reaching 48.8%, which indicates that more economic activities will be involved in the Internet age.   What’s more, it has become a way of life and consumption for consumers to consume on the Internet. According to CNNIC, by the end of June, 2015, the size of China's Internet users reached about 374 million, online shopping usage increasing to 56%. Compared with the end of 2014, the network consumer users rose by 12.49 million, with the growth rate of about 3.34%. Network shopping consumption, as a new way of shopping consumption, is a brand new concept of shopping and shopping experience. As opposed to the  traditional consumption mode, it provides consumers with more convenience, especially for the contemporary college students. College students are a young group with a huge number, limited income, considerable spending power, who are in the period of forming views of life, and values, especially female college students, loving to shop. They, as a special consumer group, have a strong ability to accept new things and a lot of disposable leisure time. There are many university campuses are far away from the business district, preventing the female college students from going out to some degree; therefore, if shopping online, female college students can stay at home to buy desirable commodities.

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