    Abstract Each linguistic system has their own unique kinship terms. Kinship terms play asignificant role in linguistic systems, and they are a part of culture. Long-standing andwell-established Chinese history as well as brilliant Chinese culture determines thatChinese kinship terms possess huge system and complicated structure. Whilecompared with Chinese kinship terms, English kinship terms are simpler with fewernumbers. Great differences between Chinese and English kinship terms are sure tobring difficulties to translation and the output of Chinese culture. As the peak ofancient Chinese novels, A Dream of Red Mansions owns the characteristics such as alarge number of kinship terms, and complex relationships between figures. As a result,this book is worthy a lot in studying kinship terms as well as the translations ofkinship terms. Translations of A Dream of Red Mansions are few. And among them,the work by Chinese celebrated translator Yang Hsien-yi and his wife Gladys Yang isthe best-known. This thesis aims at exploring the methods of translating kinship terms,and providing guides for kinship terms translation, through studying C-E translationsof kinship terms in A Dream of Red Mansions translated by Yang Hsien-yi and GladysYang and introducing Yang’s translation theories.41987
    KeyWords:kinship terms A Dream of Red Mansions C-E translation
    摘要每种语言中都有其独一无二的称谓系统。 亲属称谓是语言中的一个重要组成部分,承载着深刻的文化烙印。中华民族源远流长的历史,灿烂夺目的文化赋予汉语亲属称谓庞大的体系和复杂的结构。而相对于汉语中的亲属称谓语,英语国家的亲属称谓则数量较少,结构简单。汉英亲属称谓之间的这种巨大差异为亲属称谓翻译和中华文化输出带来不小的困难。 《红楼梦》是我国古代小说的巅峰之作,其中人物关系复杂,亲属称谓繁多,对亲属称谓及其翻译的研究具有极大的价值。《红楼梦》译本数量并不多,其中,又以我国著名的翻译家杨宪益先生与他的夫人戴乃迭女士的合译本最为出名。 本文旨在通过研究杨宪益和戴乃迭译版《红楼梦》中对亲属称谓的翻译,并介绍杨宪益的翻译理论,探究杨宪益对亲属称谓的翻译方法,为亲属称谓翻译提供一种导向。
    毕业论文关键词:亲属称谓 《红楼梦》 中译英


    Abstract. i

    摘要.. ii

    Chapter One Introduction of Kinship Terms.1

    1.1 Chinese kinship terms1

    1.2 English kinship terms.3

    1.3 Similarities3

    1.4 Differences4

    Chapter Two Yang’s Theories about Translation6

    2.1 Translatability and untranslatability.6

    2.2 About faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance.6

    Chapter Three C-E Translations of kinship terms.8

    3.1 One-to-one correspondence..8

    3.2 Respect for seniority. 9

    3.3 No distinction between direct and collateral clan relatives 10

    3.4 Distinction between direct and collateral clan relatives.11

    3.5 Vague translation.12

    3.6 Replacement..14

    3.7 Omission..15

    Chapter Four Conclusion.17

    On C-E Translations of Kinship Terms in A Dream of Red MansionsTranslated by Yang Hsien-yi and Gladys YangChapter OneIntroduction of Kinship TermsFamily is the basic component of our society. Kinship terms, relating to familymembers as well as their relatives, play a significant role in each culture. They arecommon cultural phenomenon. In each linguistic system, a unique kinship termsystem will be found. China’s long history provides its kinship terms with hugesystem and complicated structure. In English, however, the number of kinship terms issmaller, and the structure is comparatively simpler. The great differences betweenChinese and English kinship terms bring difficulties to translation and the output ofChinese culture.1.1 Chinese kinship termsChinese kinship terms are usually pided into three major types: terms of clanrelatives, terms of maternal relatives and terms of relations by marriage. Since ancienttimes, the patriarchal clan idea and the concept of family have been dominatingChinese society.

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