
    A Study on the Translation of Suzhou Garden Scenic Spotsfrom the Perspective of Translation StrategiesChapter One Introduction
    1.1 Research BackgroundWith the rapid development of economy and the promotion of reform andopening up, foreign communication is becoming increasingly frequent. Tourism hasraised itself above so many professions. As is well known, China is a country with along history and has a vast territory and abundant resources. The places of historicinterest of the country and its scenic beauty attract a large number of foreign tourists.Therefore, more and more scholars take notice on the translation of scenery spots.
    1.2 Research Significance and PurposesIn order to let them know better about China and its culture of every scenic spots,the translation of the name and introduction of the scenic spots becomes veryimportant. The quality of the translation will not only influence directly on the foreigntourist's interest towards China's unique culture but also influence the disseminationof Chinese culture (Bassnett S,1990,P. 14).Suzhou garden, as the one of the famous spots with Chinese characteristics, istypical of its kind. This essay will be concerned about the translation of Suzhougarden scenic spots from the angle of cultural diffusion, and study in detail therelevant strategies of tourism translation.
    1.3 Thesis StructureThis essay includes five parts. The first part is the introduction of the background,significance, purposes and the structure. The second part is literature review, whichconcludes the previous research statements at home and abroad. The third part is themethodology of the research and it covers the research questions, methods and data.The fourth part is the main discussion. The fifth part is the conclusion of the essay,which consists of major findings, limitations and the suggestions of the furtherstudies.

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