
    2.3 Inter-generational changeability 18

    Chapter Three Hybridity of Identity 21

    3.1  Hybridity of language 21

    3.2 Hybridity of lifestyle 24

    3.3 Hybridity of Cultural Identity 26

    Conclusion 30

    Works Cited 32 

    An Analysis of the Cultural Identity in The Joy Luck Club


    Amy Tan was born in Oakland, California. She is a second generation immigrant in America. Her best-known work is The Joy Luck Club, which has been translated into 35 languages. In 1993, the book was adapted into a commercially successful film. Tan has written several other bestselling novels.

    The Joy Luck Club introduces the life of four Chinese American women who have suffered a lot in old China and their relationships with their American-born daughters. Chinese Americans are viewed as marginal men, and they are excluded by both American side and Chinese side. In this case, cultural identity has become a serious problem. The plots not only describe the conflicts and negotiations between the two generations, but also reflects the bitterness and helpless caused by different culture identities. At the end of the story, the characters struggle to remove the obstacles of identity seeking and construct a hybrid identity: with recognition of Chinese culture as well as American culture.

    This novel is published in America, so the early studies of the novel are mainly in American society. There are three comprehensive works on Amy Tan. The first one is Amy Tan: A Critical Companion from E.D.Huntley in 1989. The second one is Amy Tan: A literary Companion from Marry Ellen Snodgrass in 2004. And the last one is Amy Tan from Adams Bella in 2005.

    Chinese scholars started their researches on The Joy Luck Club in the early 1990s. The scholars put their focuses on different aspects, such as inter-generational relationships, cultural differences, family conflicts feminism, ethnic view and so on. A critic believed that the reasons which caused the generational conflicts and misunderstandings are language barrier, racialism and cultural differences. She also pointed out that communication and respect can contribute to reconciliation between the two generations in this novel. There are also some researchers put their emphasis on culture identity presented in this novel. Some other critics concluded that the two generations in The Joy Luck Club finally constructed a kind of third identity: a hybrid identity with both Chinese and American culture.

    This thesis consists of three parts: in the beginning, a brief introduction to the novel and the author will be begin. The structure of the thesis and my idea of the characters’ cultural identity will also be included in this part. Then a detailed analysis will follow to concentrate on the identity crisis which the mothers and daughters confront with. The two generations identify themselves as either Chinese culture or American Culture, which has caused lots of conflicts between the mothers and daughters. The two generations are excluded by both American and Chinese culture and have become a kind of marginalized men. Also the thesis will discuss the awakening of the characters’ cultural identity. The two generations gradually talked to each other. With the mothers’ memory disclosure and storytelling to their daughters, the two generations finally begin to understand each other and are willing to negotiate. Through this process, we can see that the two generations are changeable and identical to some extent. At last, the characters’ cultural hybridity will be interpreted. With these analysis and discussion, a conclusion about the cultural identity can be reached. The conclusion that the cultural identity of Chinese American should be hybrid. Only when they view this issue objectively and respect each culture can they find and reconstruct a whole and new culture identity.

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