    Acknowledgments Upon the completion of this thesis, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to people who have given me generous help and support in the course of writing.
    First, my profound appreciation goes to, Professor Wang Min, my supervisor, for her guiding me through this long-term work step by step with numerous inspiring advices and crucial instructions. My thesis was gained modification and further refinement with her unlimited favor and help. My gratitude also extends to Mrs. Liao Jing, who provides us many useful writing tips in the e-mails in every writing stage.6665
    Thanks last go to my best friend, Dai Bei, who provides lots of information and insightful ideas for my thesis. She also gives me much courage and strength to come over every difficult in the writing.
    Based on the theory of utilitarianism proposed by Jeremy Bentham, the thesis expounds destructive influence of utilitarianism on humanity by means of case study. The thesis falls into four parts. The first part is a brief introduction of Bentham’s utilitarianism philosophy, the important theoretical foundation of the entire thesis. Secondly, from the perspective of character analysis, it explores that how utilitarianism destroys human nature and eventually leads to main characters’ tragedies in Hard Times. Thirdly, from the perspective of realistic significance, the thesis makes a reflection on utilitarian phenomena in real life. In the final analysis, the thesis comes to a conclusion about the research subject. This thesis aims to explore the influence of utilitarianism in Hard Times on Humanity and presents that utilitarian moral principle turns people into ruthless fortune-seekers and distorts children’s innocent hearts. In reality, utilitarianism is also prevailing in our education system. Many students and teachers fall victim to utilitarianism and become utilitarians who seek fame and gain at any cost. Thus, the thesis is full of theoretical and realistic significance. Nevertheless, the analyses in this thesis are limited to some aspects, and in-depth analyses need to be explored in further study.
    Key Words: utilitarianism philosophy, humanity, destructive influence
    关键词: 功利主义哲学,人性,破坏性影响
    Acknowledgements    i
    Abstract    ii
    1 Introduction.    1
    2 A Brief Survey of the Philosophy of Utilitarianism3
    2.1 The Historical Background and Origin of Utilitarianism.3
    2.2 The Essence and Definition of Utilitarianism    4
    2.3 Utilitarian Moral Principle in Hard Times6

    3 The Analysis of Two Utilitarians and Other Main Characters in Hard Times7
    3.1 Thomas Gradgrind...7
    3.2 Josiah Bounderby.    9
    3.3 Other Main Characters Affected by the Two Utilitarians..11
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