    关键词  跨文化交流   高语境文化   低语境文化   误解
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title Contrastive Studies on High-Context and Low-Context Cultures between Chinese and Americans’ Intercultural Communication
    Based on the concept of high-context and low-context cultures put forward by Edward Hall, this paper takes Chinese culture and American culture as representatives of high-context cultures and low-context cultures, aiming to analyze the differences of communication styles of these two cultures. It proclaims the probable culture conflicts that appear in the communication between these two cultures via case studies and tries to find out the reasons why these differences come into being, i.e. rhetoric styles, culture psychology, view of value, and principles of literary allusions. It is expected to provide suggestions for English learners on intercultural communication, reduce culture shock phenomenon, and promote smooth and friendly intercultural communication.
    Keywords   intercultural communication   high-context cultures       low-context cultures        misunderstanding
     Table of Contents
    1  Introduction... ..….1
    1.1  The Purpose of the Thesis….….1
    1.2  The Structure of the Thesis….…1
    2  Literature Review…..............2
    2.1  A Brief History of Studies on Intercultural Communication….2
    2.2  A Brief History of Studies on Context…...3
    3  High-context and Low-context Communication….4
    3.1  Definition of High-context and Low-context Communication..4
    3.2  Reasons that Cause Differences between High-context and Low-context  Communication......6
    3.2.1  Rhetoric Style and Cultural Psychology.….....7
    3.2.2  View of Value....7
    3.2.3  Principles of Literary Allusions.8
    4  Contrastive Studies on High-context and Low-context Cultures between Chinese and Americans….8
    4.1  Case One....8
    4.2  Case Two....11
    4.3  Case Three..13
    1    Introduction
    1.1    The Purpose of the Thesis
    Ever since Hall published The Silent Language (1959) which symbolized the foundation of Intercultural Communication course, it had transformed from a topic researched by a few people to an important course opened in most American colleges, from a cold topic for a few scholars in America to a hot topic for scholars around the world. The results of intercultural communication researches have made great influence on not only affairs of foreign affairs departments and foreign trade departments, but also foreign languages teaching and translation. On the whole, the achievements in intercultural communication field are undoubtedly great and known to the public.

    However, academic researches into intercultural communication mostly place emphasis on their differences and application, while researches into what cause the differences are rare. Elizabeth Würtz (2006) mentioned that the main reasons are modes of thinking and values of inpidualism or collectivism in Intercultural Communication on Web sites: A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Web sites from High-Context Cultures and Low-Context Cultures. Wu Zeqiong (2008) thought that the main reasons are rhetoric styles and the different understanding of nonverbal communication. This paper tries to analyze the reasons that cause differences between high-context and low-context cultures by three case studies, hoping to reduce culture shocks and misunderstandings for English learners so as to promote successful intercultural communication.
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