
    In addition to differences in nonverbal communication, there are other manifestations of high-context and low-context cultures that influence communication, including:
    1.    Whether the way of expression speakers use is vague and causes difficulties for listeners.
    2.    Whether the message form can explain reference of one communication specifically.
    3.    Whether the message form can explain communicative intention accurately.
    4.    Whether the message form can provide nonliteral meaning.
    5.    Whether the message form can provide meaning beyond words, i.e., deep meaning. (Gu Jiazu, 2000)

    3.2     Reasons that Cause Differences Between High-context and Low-context Communication
    Although ways people communicate are complicated, the most important way is verbal language. There’re plenty elements that can influence communication between people, including rhetoric styles, culture psychology, view of value, and principles of literary allusions (Zheng Lixin & Gu Jiazu, 1993).

    3.2.1    Rhetoric Styles and Cultural Psychology
    There used to be a lot of similarities between Chinese and western rhetoric styles, especially in times before Qin dynasty, which mainly appeared in the similar origin of Chinese and western rhetoric. The contention of a hundred schools of thought in Warring States period and the eloquence in Old Greek times are similar in essence. Any people who enjoyed fame used to lead their students and express their own opinions in public (Zhu Shaohou, 1982). As time goes by, westerners inherited and developed western rhetoric standard established by Aristotle, which attached importance to eloquence and promoted debates; While Chinese regarded Confucianism as the only noble theory according to Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty’s decision for thousands of years of feudalism society. It changed not only Chinese rhetoric styles, but also Chinese characteristics, and even the deep structure of the whole nation’s culture. Chinese people become introverted and restrained under the influence of Confucianism, which is just the opposite to the extroverted and open characteristics that westerners share. The difference in characteristics between two nations causes difficulties in intercultural communication (Gu Jiazu, 2000).

    3.2.2    View of Value
    Inpidualism and collectivism are two cultural value systems with sharp contrast. Inpidualism place inpiduals’ benefits as the first place, including egoism, inpidualistic heroism, liberalism, etc. The Americans share strong sense of struggling and competition. The American society makes most people accept life creeds such as “Every man for himself, and God for us all”, and “Every man is the architect of his own fortune” (Zheng Lixin & Gu Jiazu, 1993). Collectivism is characterized by a rigid social framework that distinguishes between in-groups and out-groups. It means greater emphasis on the views, needs, and goals of the in-group rather than oneself; social norms and duty defined by the in-group rather than behavior to get pleasure; beliefs shared with the in-group rather than beliefs that distinguish self from in-group; and great readiness to cooperate with in-group members.

    3.2.3    Principles of Literary Allusions
    The history of intercultural communication researches is not long so that most researches stay on superficial cultures. However, as researches get deeper and deeper, researches on interior cultures are absolutely necessary. On the other hand, deep structures of a nation usually hide behind its view of moral and so on, whereas often reflect in literary allusions. Researches on literary allusions start with classic interior literature, but these researches slowly become superficial because of the mess of new types of literature and imported literature. In order to get proper understanding of mess literature allusions and know about the unique meanings of characters and events in literature allusions, the principle of equal dialogue must be followed.
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