
    Abstract As one of the most famous British poets and novelists, Thomas Hardy has written a lot of excellent literature during his life, and he is seen as the “landmark” of the British literature of 19th century. Among the marvelous writing composed by Thomas Hardy, The Return of the Native is the most famous and influential one in the history of the world literature. This paper centers on this novel and the aim is to provide a possible solution of how to understand and to judge the traits of character showed in the two leading roles of the novel, Eustacia Vye and Thomasin Yeobright, two totally different women. At the same time, this essay discusses about the reasons for opposite fates of Eustacia and Thomasin. Via analysis of content from the original work and explanation, the conclusion is that environment influences fate, indicating Hardy’s ecological theory, but temperament decides fate, indicating his fatalism. Meanwhile, the enlightenment of the two theories is uncovered. Besides, this paper wants to analyze the two leading roles from a new angle of view and therefore enlightens women in current times about their roles.42619

    Key words: environment     character    difference     fate     roles of women

      摘要 作为英国最著名的诗人和小说家之一,托马斯·哈代在他的一生中留下许多著作,因此哈代本人也被赞为19世纪英国文学的标志。在哈代的诸多著作中,小说《还乡》在世界文学史上最著名、最具影响力。本论文着重分析小说《还乡》,以小说中两个主要人物——游苔莎和托玛茜为例,分析她们截然不同的性格,以及她们的性格体现在哪些方面。此外,本论文还探讨了上述两位女主人公不同命运的原因。通过对哈代小说原文中的语句的引用和分析,本篇论文的结论是环境和性格的综合作用导致她们不同的命运——环境影响命运,而性格决定命运。在揭示这两方面原因的同时指出其蕴含的生态论、宿命论以及两种理论对当世的启示,即人与自然的和平相处模式应得到尊重和保持,以及人应当自己掌控自己的命运,尤其是在当今时代,女性应当正视自己的角色、找准自己的位置,勇于追求,并规划出自己的生活轨迹。

    毕业论文关键词:环境     性格     差异     命运     女性角色


    Abstract i

    摘 要 ii

    Contents iii

    Introduction 1

    Chapter One  Character Analysis of Eustacia Vye 3

       1.1 Dissatisfaction with Living Conditions 3

       1.2 Rebellion and Unconventional Character 5

       1.3 Constant Ambition and Pursuit 6

    Chapter Two  Character Analysis of Thomasin Yeobright 7

    2.1 Contentment With Living Conditions 7

    2.2 Obedience and Conventional Charecter 8

    Chapter Three  Difference in Attitude towards Living Conditions and Love 10

    3.1 Difference in Attitude towards Living Conditions 10

    3.2 Difference in Attitude towards Love and Marriage 11

    Conclusion 13

    Works Cited 15

    Different Temperaments and Fates in The Return of the Native

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  2. 下一篇:伍尔夫《到灯塔去》女性主义思想的现实意义
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