
    Abstract British female writer Virginia Woolf is an feminism pioneer, as a brilliant feminism writer in the twentieth century, regardless of ideology and contents, narration position and innovation tried in her novels, almost all of these are tried to integrate with feminism ideologies. To the Lighthouse is one of representative works of Woolf, this work is the accurate legendary consciousness novel with her painstaking, it is also regarded as a novel with harmonious ideology in male and female, moreover, it can be taken as a feminism declaration. Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse is a work with feminism color. There are not very complete or complicated plots in this novel. Stream of consciousness is the most impressive characteristic of her works. She lays great emphasis on description of inner world. At the same time, symbolism is also very common in her novel. The lighthouse is hope to people. Virginia Woolf believes in feminism. In her view, women should have their own ideas .They should be independent from men. Also, they should treasure their rights as a person. Since 1970s, research on Woolf has become more popular and developed in depth, Woolf becomes an important research topic for critics in China and the west. In the premise of former researches, this paper aims at analyzing Woolf’s feminism ideologies. Basing on this, this paper interprets her important work To the Lighthouse. In addition, this paper also illustrates Woolf’s stream of consciousness skill from perspective of feminism, and explores the charm of Woolf’s bisexuality ideology as well as realistic significance of feminism ideology.42620

    Key  Words: Feminism      Image     Patriarchy     Independence 

    摘  要英国女作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫是一位女性主义先驱,作为20世纪杰出的女性主义作家,伍尔夫小说无论是思想内容,还是叙述立场,其创新尝试都与女性主义思想水乳交融。 《到灯塔去》是伍尔夫的代表作之一,这部作品是作者倾注心血的准自传体意识流小说,也被认为是伍尔夫最具有两性和谐思想的小说,更是一份女性主义宣言。这部小说没有完整复杂的情节,意识流是她作品中最重要的特点。她注重刻画人物的内心世界,同时,象征主义在她的小说中也很常见,她坚持追求女性主义,认为每一个女性都有自己的想法和说话的权利,都是不需要依附男性的独立个体。 弗吉尼亚・吴尔夫创作的《到灯塔去》是一部具有女性主义色彩的小说。二十世纪七十年代以来,对弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫的研究愈来愈向纵深发展,成为中西方批评家们的重要研究课题。在前人成就的基础上,本文旨在分析伍尔夫的女性主义思想,在此基础上解读了她的重要作品《到灯塔去》。该文还从女性主义的角度阐释了伍尔夫的意识流技巧,剖析伍尔夫双性同体思想的魅力,探索女性主义思想的现实意义。

    毕业论文关键词:女性主义     形象     父权制     独立





    Chapter One Introduction..1

    1.1Virginia Woolf..1

    1.2 To the Lighthouse...1

    Chapter Two The Stream of Consciousness and To the Lighthouse.3

       2.1The Stream of Consciousness.3

    2.2 The Stream of Consciousness in To the Lighthouse.4

    Chapter Three Manifestations of Feminism in To the Lighthouse...7

    3.1 Manifestation in Female Consciousness Narration Angle7

    3.2 Manifestations in Heroines..9

    3.2.1 Mrs Ramsay..9

    3.2.2 Lily11

    Chapter Four Conclusion...................15

    Works Cited17

     Chapter One  Introduction 1.1Introduction to Woolf

    Virginia Woolf was the founder of feminism in modernism. During the two World Wars, she was the core character of London literary, at the same time, she was one of the members in Bloomsbury Group. Her famous novel included Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse. Virginia Woolf is the founder of British famous writer and feminism literary, she is the master of stream of consciousness. The unique female intuitiveness of Woolf makes all of her novels get involved in female issues. In literary creation, Woolf expresses her idea that male and female should walk from antagonism to dialogue Besides, she also devotes herself to confirming  self-identity and values of female. Woolf tries to conduct female consciousness and identity as well as utterance and characteristics, she opens up the feminism literary in real sense.

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