


    Abstract Classroom language is a language used by teachers. Scholars in our country did a lot of researches on the usage of classroom language, and achieved certain results. In this paper, the literature analysis method is used to summarize the five major patterns of classroom language and give recommendations on how to use them correctly. This paper mainly analyzes how to use the classroom language correctly in order to improve the quality and effect of English classroom teaching in primary school. Correct and standard classroom language can create a good learning environment, stimulating students’ interests, mobilizing students’ confidence and enthusiasm in English learning. Meanwhile, using the correct classroom language will improve the quality and effect of English teaching.

    Key words: classroom language; primary school English; English teaching  

     On the Use of Classroom Language in English Teaching in Primary School


    摘 要 i

    Abstract ii

    I.Introduction 1

    Ⅱ.The Major Patterns and Functions of Classroom Language 2

    2.1 Beginning Language and Its Function 2

    2.2 Asking Language and Its Function 3

    2.3 Questioning Language and Its Function 3

    2.4 Evaluation Language and Its Function 4

    2.5 Concluding Language and Its Function 5

    Ⅲ. The Reasons for Teachers Using Classroom Language 5

    3.1 The Needs of Curriculum Reform of Primary Education 5

    3.2 The Needs of Teachers’ Professional Development 7

    3.3 The Needs to Improve the Quality of English Classroom Teaching in Primary Schools 8

    Ⅳ. The Problems Existing in the English Learning of Primary School

    V. How to Use the Language Correctly in Class 10

    5.1 The Change of Teachers’ Roles and Positions 11

    5.2 Application of Multiple Classroom Language Progressively 12

    5.3 Emphasis on the Positive Influence of Classroom Language 13

    Ⅵ.Conclusion 14

    Bibliography 16

    Acknowledgments 17

    I. Introduction

    With the development of globalization and China’s reform and opening up, the open China saw an unprecedented desire for foreign language learning. This English fever also includes children in primary school and even much smaller kids. As we all know, classroom is the main place for students to learn English. Every word and action of the teacher in classroom teaching will have an important influence on pupils’ thoughts and behaviors. Thus, the language that used by teachers to organize teaching activities in the class is crucially important. This language is called “classroom language”. 

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