
    Abstract Charles Dickens is a famous British critical realism writer in the 19th century, and Oliver Twist is one of his excellent realistic novels, published in 1838.Through a real unique perspective, with personalized language and artful plots, Charles Dickens mercilessly disclosed and criticized the man-devouring nature of capitalist society at that time. Although Nancy is just a secondary main role in Oliver Twist, she plays an important role in the achievement of a happy ending by the author’s distinctive arrangements. Nancy sometimes is kind, while sometimes she is evil. It is her dual personalities that make her close to life and more worthy being studied. Firstly, this paper starts with the review of critical realism and the life of Charles Dickens to know his writing background and writing style, and briefly summarize Oliver Twist as well as studies on it at home and abroad, and put forward my own view on Nancy; Secondly, it focuses on a series of Nancy’s behaviors to analyze manifestations of her dual personalities—her contradictive view of morality, love and life; Then it deeply analyzes the reasons for her dual personalities; At last, it proves that no matter how bad the environment is, the goodness of human beings will never be eliminated, thus letting people see the huge strength of kindness and purity in a dark society; In addition, it also proves that justice will eventually defeat evil during their confrontations. 43820

    Key Words: critical realism     dual personalities     kindness     justice

    摘要 查尔斯·狄更斯是19世纪英国著名的批判现实主义作家,《雾都孤儿》是他的一部优秀的写实小说,出版于1838年。狄更斯用真实、独特的视角,个性化的语言和精妙的故事情节,无情地揭露和批判了当时资本主义社会的吃人本质。在《雾都孤儿》中,虽然南希只是次主要人物,但经过作者独具匠心的安排,对故事圆满结局起到关键作用。南希徘徊于善恶之间,但正是她的双重矛盾性格使她更贴近生活,更值得研究。本论文首先从批判现实主义和作者的生平入手优尔^文`论*文-网www.youerw.com,了解作者的写作背景和写作风格,同时简要介绍雾都孤儿并总结国内外对这部小说的研究,提出自己对南希这一人物的看法;其次,从南希的一系列行动中探究她的双重性格的表现,即南希矛盾的道德观、爱情观和人生观;然后,深入分析造成南希矛盾性格的原因;最后得出本文的结论:即使环境再恶劣,也无法泯灭人性中的善良成分,从而让人们看到污浊社会中纯真和善良的伟大力量,印证在正义和邪恶的对抗中,正义终将战胜邪恶这一不变的真理。

    毕业论文关键词:批判现实主义     双重性格     善良     正义     


    Abstract i

    摘要 ii

    Contents iii

    Introduction 1

    Chapter One   Analysis of Nancy’s View of Morality 5

    1.1 Nancy’s Wrong Judgments in Morality 5

    1.2 Nancy’s Protection of Oliver 7

    Chapter Two   Analysis of Nancy’s View of Love 10

    2.1 Nancy’s Dissatisfaction with Sikes 10

    2.2. Nancy’s Faith in Love 10

    Chapter Three   Analysis of Nancy’s View of Life 12

    3.1 Nancy’s Hope for Oliver’s Fate

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