
    Abstract The Grass Is Singing is written by Doris Lessing, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2007. Published in 1950, it is Lessing’s first novel. The heroine of the novel, Mary Turner, is oppressed and trampled all her life , but her brave rebellion and the indomitable spirit shown during the process deserve to be praised. Based on close reading, this paper focuses on the rebellion of Mary Turner as well as the result of it, and tries to explore the personal and social significance of the rebellion.43819

    Mary Turner’s living predicaments are also the reasons for her rebellion.Under the oppression of the patriarchal system, Mary Turner’s low social position makes it hard for her to get rid of men’s control, she unavoidably becoming the belonging of men; racial discrimination restrains her from loving Moses and her final violating against it brings the fear that gradually destroys her. Faced with these predicaments, Mary rebels bravely. Not to repeat her mother’s tragedy, she sticks to her true self and avoids marriage; to live back the previous carefree life, she, regardless of gossips, runs away from the farm; to fill the emotional blanks caused by the emptiness and loneliness of marriage, she develops a human relationship with her black servant Moses. It is Mary’s rebellion that shows the most glorious side of her human nature. 

    In the end, Mary’s rebellion becomes a shame of the white civilization and never thoroughly saves Mary from her predicaments, indicating the failure of her rebellion. While looking into the causes of Mary’s failure, we will find that it is caused both by the social factor and the personal one: the unshakable social systems and her own submission to the irrational social rules. But it is worth pointing out that Mary’s rebellion has its personal and social meanings. Personally, the process of Mary’s rebellion is also the process of her self-inpiduation. Socially, for one thing, it strikes the irrational social systems; for another, it betrays the fatal weakness of the white civilization. However strict the social rules are, they cannot defeat human nature. By the analysis on Mary Turner’s rebellion and its significance, this paper aims to specify the direction for any woman rebelling in similar predicaments. That is only thorough rebellion may lead to success.                

    Key words: The Grass Is Singing     Doris Lessing     predicaments  rebellion     




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