
    Abstract Nathaniel Hawthorne is an outstanding representative of the Romantic of the 19th century. He is also one of the founders of American Literature. His themes often center on the inherent evil and sin of humanity. He is regarded as “Master of  Symbolism”. The creative idea that runs through all his works are the excavation of hidden “evil” side of human nature and the aspiration of “kindness”--the foundation of “truth” and “beauty”. Young Goodman Brown is famous one of his short stories collection-- Mosses from an old Manse and a good example of using symbolism. In the short story, Hawthorne describes a night journey of the hero to reveal human nature. This thesis aims to reveal symbolism used in Young Goodman Brown and the symbolic meaning of the hero, heroine, the objects, the time, place of and the theme of the story and their symbolic meanings. Through analyzing characters, objects and scene in the story we can reveal “human nature is evil”--”sin” and further to its contemporary meaning and its significance. 43824

    Key Words:  Symbolism     Humanity     Young Goodman Brown


    毕业论文关键词:象征     人性     《好小伙子布朗》


    Abstract i

    摘要 ii

    Contents iii

    Introduction 1

    Chapter One Symbolism in Names 4

    1. Symbolic meaning of names of hero and heroine 4

    1.1 Goodman Brown 4

    1.2 Faith 6

    2. Symbolic meaning of other characters 7

    2.1 The fellow traveler 7

    2.2 Other characters 8

    Chapter Two Symbolism in Objects 9

    1. The Pink ribbons 9

    2. The black staff 11

    Capter Three Symboism in Settings 12

    1. Setting--Forest 12

    2. Story time--Night 13

    Chapter Four Symbolism in Theme 15

    Conclusion 18

    Works Cited 19


         Nathaniel Hawthorne was the greatest novelist of the early of the 19th century. He was the first writer who wrote short stories in the history of American Literature and also he was the founder of psychoanalytic fictions. The Scarlet Letter and The Blithedale Romance are both his masterpieces. He was born in the town Salem in Massachusetts. His father died when he was four and he was brought up by his mother.

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