
    Acknowledgements In the process of completing this thesis, I was grateful to receive the advice and encouragement from many teachers and friends without which this thesis would not be possible.43984

    My deepest thank goes to my supervisor Professorwho has given me valuable support and guidance when I was faced with difficulties at the beginning of my studies. It was her effective instructions and quick corrections that kept this thesis in the right direction. She has offered me comprehensive supervision from the selection of the topic, the arrangement of the materials, and the composition of the thesis to the enhancement of the draft. Besides, her strictness in academic research will benefit me the whole life.

    My gratitude also goes to all the teachers who gave me lectures in the previous four years when I studied in the Hangzhou Normal University. I want to thank them for their patient teaching and guidance which make me interested in poetry.

    Finally, I feel very grateful to my parents for their selfless love and devotion over all the past years. To those friends and classmates who have given me meaningful suggestion in the pursuit of this task, I also want to express my sincere gratitude.

     Emily Dickinson’s Contradiction in Her Nature Poems

    Abstract    Emily Dickinson is one of the greatest poets in American literature. Among her nearly 1800 poems, 500 are about nature. Nature becomes her source of writing as well as purifying her soul. Dickinson lived in an isolated world constructed by her, which was filled with ambivalence, contradiction, and paradox. Likewise, in her nature poems, the most distinguished feature is contradiction.

    This thesis tries to analyze Dickinson’s contradiction in her nature poems. Dickinson’s nature was wide, including animals, plants, the sunrise and sunset, and seasons. However her feelings about nature were paradoxical. On the one hand, she loved nature and showed high respect to it. One the other hand, she was scared of nature for its coldness and mercilessness.

    Keywords: nature; contradiction; seclusion; Puritanism; Transcendentalism






    1. Introduction 1

        1.1 Emily Dickinson and Her Poetic Achievements 1

        1.2 Literature Review 1

        1.3 Theme and Organization 3

        1.4 Contradiction: Universality and Particularity 5

    2. Poems to Living Creatures 6

        2.1 Love for Nature 6

        2.2 Despair of Nature 7

    3. Poems to Natural Scenes 9

        3.1 Natural Harmony 9

        3.2 Natural Disharmony 10

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