
    4.4 The Fourth Test---Public Speaking 11

    4.5 The Comparison of Student A, B, C 12

    5. Conclusions 14

    5.1 Findings 14

    5.2 Taching Implications 14

    5.3 Limitations 14

    References 16

    1. Introduction

    Interest in teaching English to young learners (YLs) has been steadily growing in recent years, since primary school age is known to be the most favorable for learning a foreign language as the imitating abilities, natural curiosity, and need for new knowledge of a child contribute to overcome the challenges facing foreign language learning. As a result, English is offered in primary and even in pre-school education nowadays. It is worth remembering that every child has his/her own inner incentive for learning a foreign language and the teacher’s task is to develop this motivation. Moreover, in order for the children to gain life experiences in different areas, it is important that the books which the teacher is using for educational purposes have good aspects. Good and qualified books offered to children will both increase their interests for the book and help creating the foundations of reading habit.

    The picture book, which refers to the completed piece of work in its entirety -- cover, end papers, paper, type face, illustration, and story, is supposed to be a great aid for YLs’ language development as well as their cognition of the world. Combining visual and verbal narratives in a book format, picture books not only provide familiar and comprehensible contexts to present new language but also fit very well in a holistic type of instruction. Besides, with their appealing pictures, themes, plots, and characters they have great potential to nourish the linguistic and cognitive growth of YLs. 

    Therefore, this study aims to demonstrate the value of the picture-book instruction on English learning for young English learners. To find out the result, two research questions are to be investigated: ① How are the picture books used in English teaching? ② How to assess the learning outcomes of students? The benefit of using picture books in EFL classroom is assessed in terms of the improvement of YLs’ English level and cognitive competence, so four tests have been done in the form of reading, reciting, role playing as well as public speaking. The significance of the study lies in that some implications can be drawn to English language teaching and learning from the result, and thus offer teachers and parents a new choice of English teaching method.

    2. Literature Review

    2.1 Theories Related to the Picture-Book Instruction

    2.1.1 The Definitions of Picture Book

    To demonstrate the value of picture-book instruction on English learning for YLs, it is most important to know and clarify what the picture book is. Glossary defines picture books as the books including pictures partially or wholly and adopted according to the needs and interests of young children. Montresor defines them as the books the content of which are enriched by pictures. Celia depicts the picture books as the books where illustration has a great importance and which are created for the children aged 0-7 years and also which can cover almost every subject. Although different definitions have been made with regards to the picture books, it is seen that these are close to each other and complementing one another. Picture books tell stories through word and picture combinations enrich a concept and give various information. The picture book allows for numerous frames through which children learn to create narratives of various genres on both information in books and knowledge beyond books.

    2.1.2 The Value of the Stories

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