Acknowledgements The fulfillment of this paper involves many people’s supports and efforts. And I want to take this opportunity to convey my sincere thanks.
First and foremost, I am greatly indebted to my supervisor, who devotes to searching the thesis, developing the framework, providing useful suggestions and revising several times during my paper writing process. Without his patience and warm encouragement, this paper is truly hard to be accomplished. Mr. Gao definitely spends much of his time to help me on this thesis.44202
Second, my thanks go to other teachers and friends in school. They share their personal experience in paper writing with me, provide me with some related materials online and some pieces of advice to improve my paper.
Third, I am grateful to my family who support and understand me during the process.
On Translator’s Subjectivity in Two Chinese Versions of The Scarlet Letter
With further study on the translation process, it is increasingly recognized that translator, as a mediator between source and translation texts, occupies a unique and important role in the translation process. More and more translation scholars at home and abroad have conducted extensive research on the translator's subjectivity, both in width and depth, and gained bigger and bigger breakthroughs. Translators shifted their status from being neglected to under the spotlight, and the focus of translator’s subjectivity is altering as well, from its definition, understanding to its constraining factors. In China, research on the translator’s subjectivity, particularly with regard to the subjective factors in translation process of re-creation, namely the translator's creative personality and subjective initiative issue is gaining more and more attention. However, while translator’s subjectivity continues to being highlighted and emphasized, the aspect of constraints is relatively neglected. Paying little attention to constraining factors, when bringing the translator’s subjectivity into full play, drives these researches to be one-sided. In recent years, some scholars have considered relevant constraining factors, mostly in metaphysical tone and in generalities. This paper aims to analyze the two Chinese versions of The Scarlet Letter in a more specific context, in order to explore these influential factors at a deeper level, and provide a useful and necessary complement to the study of the translator's subjectivity.
Keywords: Translator’s subjectivity; various perspectives; research development; influential factor.
摘 要随着翻译研究的深入,译者主体性受到越来越广泛的关注。译者,作为原文本和译本的中间者,在翻译过程中发挥着极为重要的作用。国内外学者对译者主体性进行了广泛而深入的研究,译者也从边缘位置推向了台前。然而,在译者主体性被持续研究与强调的同时,影响译者主体性发挥的因素却相对较少被剖析-优尔|文\论/文'网,这必将导致译者主体性研究的片面性。近年来,学者们也开始注重研究其影响因素,但多是相对宽泛的论调。本文旨在通过了解译者主体性的国内外研究概况,文学翻译中译者主体性的体现,重点通过《红字》两个中译本的比较,在一个具体化的情境中分析译者主体性的影响因素,对译者主体性的研究进行分析补充并提供建议。
1. Review on translator’s subjectivity 1
1.1 The Research Background 1
1.2 Researches on the Translator’s Subjectivity in China and Abroad