    ABSTRACT Jane Austen was an excellent female writer in the history of English literature and Pride and Prejudice, one of her popular works, which finished in 1797 and published in 1813 has been studied by many scholars. But many of them had studied on the marriage and feminism of the book. Jane Austen depicts a vivid rural life and wonderful love of the young who are from different classes in Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austens works are often evaluated limited in her own situation and she often showed the life of three or four families in county. But few scholars realized that Jane Austen had shown the changing society to readers because the evidence hidden deeply in book. This paper tries to confirm the rise of bourgeoisie and gentry through following aspects: firstly, the improvement of social status of bourgeoisie and gentry from cases of Mr. Bingley and Mr. Bennet: secondly, the weakening boundaries of different classes in cases of the marriage of Darcy and Elizabeth, as well as the upper class’s attitude towards middle class: thirdly, wealth in place power. It would help readers to interpret Pride and Prejudice in different views and understanding.46187
    Keywords: Pride and Prejudice; rise of middle class; social status; marriage; wealth
     摘  要简•奥斯汀是英国文学史上非常杰出的女性作家, 她于1797年完成并在1813年发表的经典小说《傲慢与偏见》一直深受人们喜爱并且吸引着众多学者研究书中所反映出的婚姻观和淡淡透露出的女性意识。《傲慢与偏见》生动的描写了乡村中三四户人家的生活,还有中产阶级与上层阶级的青年爱情与婚姻。虽然书中的乡村生活非常的平静闲适,但是也不难看出在这宁静乡村生活下的社会变革暗流。本文拟从当时的中产阶级,分别是以宾利先生为代表的资产阶级与以班内特先生为代表的乡绅阶层社会地位的提升,当时的跨阶层婚姻,和以达西为代表的贵族阶层对中下阶层的看法与态度,以及当时社会金钱至上的价值观,来证明英国十八世纪末资产阶层及乡绅阶层的崛起。
     Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    2    Literature Review    2
    3    Social Status of Bourgeoisie and Gentry    4
    3.1    The Rise of Britain Middle Class in the 18th Century    4
    3.2    The Mobility of Bourgeoisie from the Lower to Upper Class    5
    3.2.1    The Social Mobility from the Case of Sir William    5
    3.2.2    The Social Mobility as Reflected in the Case of Mr. Bingley    6
    4    The Weakening of Class Boundaries between Upper Class and Middle Class    7
    4.1    Weakening of Class Boundaries in the Marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy    7
    4.2    Darcy’s Attitude Towards Bingley and the Gardiners    8
    4.3    Lady Catherine’s Different Attitudes to Elizabeth and Darcy’s Marriage    9
    5    Wealth in Place of Power    10
    5.1    Wealth in Marriage from the Case of the Bennets    10
    5.2    Wealth In Social Status from the Case of Mr. Bingley    11
    6    Conclusion    12
    References    14
     On the Rise of Bourgeoisie and Gentry in the Late 18th Century of Britain-----A Study Case of Pride and Prejudice
    1    Introduction
    In 1797, Jane Austen finished writing the final draft of Pride and Prejudice which was published in 1813. It is widely read all over the world and has an important status in English literature. In the past over two hundred years, a great number of scholars have studied the novel in many aspects of literary criticisms and most of them paid attention to the marriages, Austen’ s view of marriage and the awakening of feminism. But few of them studied the social setting during the time in Pride and Prejudice. Though Austen only wrote the life in English countryside which she was familiar with, we can also find the indications that the status of bourgeoisie and gentry had changed in the late 18th century in this work.
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