    ABSTRACT Language has fuzziness and fuzziness is one of the essential attributes of natural language. Extensive use of hedges is an important form of language fuzziness; it is widespread in people's everyday life and plays an important role in written and oral communication. Since the “fuzzy set” was put forward by an American scientist Zadeh in 1965, it has been applied in various sciences and many interdisciplinary branches have come into being. Among them, fuzzy linguistics, which combines fuzzy set theory and modern linguistics, has got people's attention. Hedges, as a focus of fuzzy Linguistics, gradually enter the academic field of Linguistics.46189
    News as a tool of mass media plays an important role in people’s daily life and is the main way that people know about the world. Therefore it has become a                                                             hot topic in recent years. But the research about hedges in political news is little and the research about English-Chinese contrastive study of hedges in political news is much less. Therefore, this paper is based on previous research and selects different types of hedges in political news to analyze the similarities and differences in Chinese and English language use. Studies find that hedges used in political news can meet the requirements that news should be timely and objective, and not be absolute. Main reasons for the variance of hedges in Chinese and English news reports can be attributed to cultural differences and different language features.
    Keywords: hedges; political news report; contrastive analysis; pragmatic function
     摘  要语言具有模糊性,是自然语言的本质属性之一。模糊限制语的大量使用是语言模糊性的一个重要表现形式,它普遍存在于人们生活当中,并在人们书面语和口语交流中起到重要作用。自从1965年美国著名学者查得(L. A. Zadeh)提出“模糊合集”这一问题,在各个科学领域都产生了与之相关的交叉科学。其中,在语言学领域模糊集合论和现代语言学结合产生的模糊语言学得到人们的广泛关注。模糊限制语,作为模糊语言学的一个焦点问题,逐渐进入语言学学术界的视野。
    Table of Contents
    1 Introduction    1
    2 Literature Review    2
    3 Hedges and Political News    3
    3.1 Hedges    3
    3.1.1 Origin and Development of Hedges    3
    3.1.2 Definition and Features of Hedges    4
    3.2 The Causes of Vagueness in Language    5
    3.3 The Relationship between Hedges and Political News    7
    4 Similarities and Differences of Hedges in Selected English and Chinese Political News Reports    8
    4.1 Similarities of Hedges in Selected English and Chinese Political News Reports    8
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