    ABSTRACT To Kill a Mockingbird is an autobiographical novel which is written by the famous American female writer Harper Lee in the 1950s. It is the masterpiece of Harper Lee and her only published novel. And it is also recognized as a classic of modern American literature. Since its inception, the novel has been widely concerned by the academic community. Today, it has been translated into more than 40 kinds of texts, with more than fifteen million copies printed. Language in this novel is humorous. The plots of the story are based on a six-year-old narrator’s observation of her family and neighbors, mainly reflecting racial injustice and the destruction to innocent people. In twentieth Century, To Kill a Mockingbird is probably the most popular American book about race. Racial discrimination in the United States has been deeply rooted in all aspects of life. The social status of the American black people in the society is the lowest. During the black civil rights movement, To Kill a Mockingbird was published. Due to the particularity of the era, Harper Lee uses symbolism in the novel to allude to the ethnic contradictions and class contradictions in the presence of social reality. Harper Lee uses an ocean of symbolic skills to express and deepen the theme. In the novel, the image of mockingbird runs through all the text. The hero, Atticus, considered this kind of bird should be subject to best protection. Though the image mockingbird has no direct meaning in the novel, it has deep symbolic meaning. This thesis is trying to analyze the symbolic meaning of mockingbird in the novel. The analysis will help reader have a deeper understanding of racial discrimination in South American in 1950s.46610
    Keywords: Harper Lee; Mockingbird; Symbolism; Racial Discrimination
    摘  要《杀死一只知更鸟》是20世纪50年代美国著名的女作家哈珀•李唯一的一篇自传体长篇小说,也是公认的美国文学经典。小说自创办以来,一直受到学术界的广泛关注。今天,它已被翻译成超过40种文本,印刷超过一千五百万份。这部小说语言幽默,故事中的情节基于叙述者六岁时对家人和邻居生活的观察,主要反映种族的不公正和对无辜者的摧毁。在20世纪,《杀死一只知更鸟》可能是美国最流行的有关种族的书。种族歧视的观念在美国已经是根深蒂固,渗透到了生活中的方方面面。文中美国黑人的社会地位处在最下层。《杀死一只知更鸟》问世之时,美国社会恰巧正经历黑人民权运动,由于时代的特殊性,哈珀•李在这篇小说中运用了象征的手法来映射现实社会中存在的种族矛盾和阶级矛盾。在小说中,知更鸟的形象更是贯穿了全文,被主人公阿提克斯视为理应受到最佳保护的鸟类。尽管知更鸟的形象在小说中没有直接意义,却有深层次象征的意义。这篇论文正是试图通过挖掘分析知更鸟在小说中的象征意义,从而能够更深刻的了解20世纪50年代中期美国南部的种族歧视。
    Table of Contents
    1    Introduction    1
    2    Literature Review    2
    3    Mockingbird as a Symbol in the Novel    3
    3.1    A Brief Introduction to Symbolism    3
    3.2    A Symbolic Meaning of Mockingbird in the Novel    4
    4    Analysis of Characters Treated as a Mockingbird in the Novel    6
    4.1    Boo Radley    6
    4.2    Tom Robinson    7
    4.3    Malleya    9
    5    Conclusion    11
    References    12
     Analysis of Symbols of Mockingbird in To Kill a Mockingbird
    1    Introduction
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