    ABSTRACT In traditional views, metaphor is nothing but a figure of speech and a decoration of style. But since Lakoff and Johnson co-published their masterpiece Metaphors We Live By (1980), metaphor is redefined from cognitive perspective. Metaphor is not only a figure of speech but more importantly, a way of thinking, a mapping system actually, and we understand entities in target domain in terms of those in source domain. In the process of living together with animals, people have gradually gained more knowledge of animals and tended to use animals to refer to other human-related things; thus animal metaphor was created.46611
    However, previous studies on animal metaphors on conceptual metaphor were very limited due to its abstractness. As the main part of social members, females are the focus of many literary works. Most of the studies on metaphor about females are conducted from some poems or novels. There is still some room to talk about the metaphor of woman under the painstaking analysis.
    This study compares and contrasts the similarities and differences of metaphors about females between English and Chinese based on conceptual metaphor theory in cognitive linguistics. And the reasons for the similarities and differences are also analyzed to reveal social conditions and give positive suggestions about language development. But it only studies animal metaphors in limited texts and it is far less than enough. Meanwhile, we can also notice that many metaphors about females tend to be used negatively, even discriminately. Apart from compliments of female beauty, other metaphorical expressions about females are negative, which reflects females’ low social status.
    Key Words: cognitive linguistics; conceptual metaphor; contrastive analysis; animal metaphor; female appellations
     摘  要对隐喻的研究可以追溯到亚里士多德时期。在传统的隐喻修辞学当中,隐喻被认为是一种语言修辞现象。但自莱考夫和约翰森合写的《我们赖以生存的隐喻》(1980)一书问世以来,隐喻从认知的角度被重新定义。莱考夫认为为人类对于客观世界的认识是以自身经验为基础的,隐喻属于概念体系,它无所不在。
    然而,过去对于概念隐喻这一类抽象事物的研究很少开展。 随着认知语言学的发展特别是隐喻理论的发展,人们开始注意到用认知隐喻理论可以更好地阐述语言、情感与认知的关系。认知语言学认为隐喻不仅仅是一种修辞,更是人类的一种认知方式和思维方式。同时,女性作为全社会的主体之一,也成为许多文学研究关注的焦点。众多学者进行了女性主义与女性主义文学的理论研究, 但是女性的隐喻研究却没有像隐喻研究那样全面彻底,只是就某个诗篇或文本进行研究。
    本文以认知语言学的概念隐喻理论为基础,就中英女性称谓动物化进行了对比研究,找出其异同之处,分析产生这些异同的原因,揭示了社会现状,提出了发展语言积极向上的措施,具有一定的现实意义。其中, 有关女性隐喻称呼语的的分析文本取自中英文两种语言广为流传,家喻户晓的日常用语,或来自文学大家的名篇巨著,生动的将女性动物化的称谓语淋漓尽致地展示在读者面前。进而, 本研究针对女性在社会地位,婚恋关系,性格性情三方面的具体隐喻用语,分析了英汉两种语言之间存在的相同之处,又从人文风俗,生活环境以及历史宗教三方面的具体隐喻用语,分析了英汉两种语言之间存在的不同之处。
    对比发现,英汉有关女性的隐喻在源域的选择上有相同点,也有不同点。 相同的源域是基于相似的体验基础和隐喻认知模式,以及特定时期女性文化的影响。 不同的概念隐喻的产生受人文,环境,宗教等的影响。 同时,我们也注意到,女性隐喻的使用有很多贬义的倾向。除了赞美女性的美之外,大多数情况的女性隐喻是贬义,反映出女性较低的社会地位。
  1. 上一篇:《杀死一只知更鸟》中知更鸟的象征意义
  2. 下一篇:情景教学法在小学英语课堂中的应用研究
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