Abstract    To the Lighthouse is one of the representative novels about the traditional realism to modernism fiction transformation。 In the novel, the writer Virginia Woolf uses a large number of limited perspective。 She narrates from the subjective perspective of characters and shifts the narrative perspective frequently to highlight her literary creation by concept, subjective reality。 This topic proposed based on her first novel to the lighthouse narrative perspective of a rich and powerful analysis, pointed out that her novels by using multiple inner angle of narrative, the characters and events in interweave the narrative line of strewn at random; second show these narrative ways mainly using indirect freestyle paraphrased。 Finally, through the narrative angle of view, limited angle of view and perspective transformation to make the character more plump, recreates the character's inner truth, implements the Woolf's character state-centric approach, which fully shows that her unique narrative techniques bring to the reader's special reading experience。81623

Keywords: To the Lighthouse; limited point of view; shifting point of view; narrative perspective; Virginia Woolf

摘  要 《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse)是传统的现实zhuyi小说向现代zhuyi小说转型的代表小说之一。在小说中,作者伍尔夫大量采用有限视角,从人物的主观角度进行叙述,并将叙述视角频繁转换,多视角叙述,从而凸现她所创作的文学理念——主观真实。本课题拟首先通过对伍尔夫的小说《到灯塔去》的叙述视角进行详实而有力的分析,指出她的小说利用多个内心视角的叙述,把人物及事件处于交织错落的叙事线条中;其次提出表现这些叙事的方式主要是利用间接自由式转述语,最后,通过叙述视角,有限视角和视角转换,使人物形象更加丰满,再现了人物的内在真实,实现了伍尔夫的“人物中心论”的创作观点,从而取得了很好的叙事效果,也充分展示了伍尔夫独特的叙事技巧所带给读者的特殊阅读体验。

毕业论文关键词: 小说《到灯塔去》;有限视角;视角转换;叙述视角;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫


1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature Review 2

3。 Narrative Point of View in To the Lighthouse 3

3。1 Shifting point of view 3

3。2 Multiple viewpoints 5

3。3 Limited point of View 8

4。 Conclusion 10

Works Cited 12

1。 Introduction

     Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) is an English writer, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary figures of the twentieth century。 Virginia Woolf was the daughter of the well-known English essayist, critic and biographer Sir Leslie Stephen。 She was born in London in 1882 and was educated at home from the resources of her father’s huge library。 She possessed a natural talent for writing。 However, her youth was shadowed by suffering: her older half-brother sexually abused her; her mother died in 1895, precipitating the first of her mental breakdown; her father died of cancer in 1904。 After her father’s death, she settled with her sister and two brothers in Gordon Square, Bloomsbury。 In 1912 she married Leonard Woolf, a journalist, essayist, and political thinker, with whom she set up the Hogarth Press in 1917, which published a number of Virginia’s own novels as well as some of T。S。Eliot’s poems and Katherine Mansfield’s short stories。 Although she had affairs of the heart with other women like Violet Dickinson, Virginia remained very much in love with Leonard for her entire life。 He was her greatest supporter, half-nursemaid, half-cheerleader。 In march 1941, she drown herself in a river, an act influenced by her dread of WWII (she and Leonard would have been arrested by the Gestapo had the Nazis invaded England) and her fear that she was about to lose her mind and become a burden on her husband。 As one of the leading modernist novelists, Virginia Woolf (1882-1941) contributes significantly to the development of modern novel。 The novels of Woolf tend to be less concerned with outward reality than with the inner life。 In the novel creation, she abandoned the routine in the 19th century realism novel and she no longer focus on prescribing reality of the outside world and turn to exploration of man's subjective spiritual world。 To the lighthouse is published in 1927, it is following the Mrs。 Dalloway and Jakob’s Room after the launch of the modernist novel again。 Woolf unified the content of the work and form perfectly by using new creative ideas and unique artistic technique。 Novel as a whole is made up of a series of feelings, impressions, thoughts, memories, and other psychological activities; the plot has been down to the point of insignificant。 The embodiment of the novel is more perfect in the theory of Virginia Woolf’s novels and writing skills, it is a good point to start the study of her novel art。 

















