
    A Study on Effective English Classroom Activities in Primary School Abstract The New English Curriculum Standards has made it clear that English teaching in primary school should proceed from the students' learning interests, experience of everyday life, and different degrees of cognition, fully utilize the way of activities. And in the meantime it should strongly promote learning through firsthand experience, constant practice, active participation, greater cooperation and effective communication, and ultimately realizing the aim of developing students' all-round ability to employ language. First, classroom activities, as one of the most significant components in classroom teaching, play an important role in students' learning, so it is of great significance to investigate what kind effective classroom activities are helpful to the English teaching. Secondly, through surveying the problems in English classroom activities both from teachers and students, it will guide teachers to design classroom activities from a new perspective and make classroom activities more efficient. Lastly, through having the classroom activities, it will improve the ability of communication in Enlish in the daily life. 46686

    The classroom activities teaching, as a fundamental element of the bisic educaiton, is of high significance. A key question here is how to create various new and effective classroom avtivities. The teacher needs to use the classroom activities to inspire students’ automomous learning ability, and reflect whether the classroom activities are efffective or not by the feedback from the students. Through the analysis of classroom teaching of senior teachers in four provinces in this thesis, specific the results of effective classroom activities, help the teacher to find how to design a classroom activity to help the students accept the new knowledge and what kinds of classroom activities are invalid for the classroom teaching. Through the experiment, finding that the influence of effective classroom activities and invalid classroom activities on the degree of students’ knowledge acceptance and class performance.

    Keywords: classroom activities; effective; primary school


    摘  要新英语课程标准明确,小学英语教学应该从学生的学习兴趣,日常生活经验,不同程度的认知,丰富多彩的活动方式入手。同事应加大力度通过亲身体验学习,不断实践,积极参与,加强合作,有效沟通,最终实现培养学生的全面使用语言能力的目的。首先,课堂活动作为课堂教学中最重要的组成部分,在学生的学习中起着重要的作用,因此研究怎样有效地课堂活动对英语教学有着十分重要的意义。其次,通过调查在英语课堂活动中教师和学生出现的问题,引导教师从新的角度设计课堂教学活动,使课堂活动更为有效。最后,为了提高学生日常生活中使用英语的能力。


    毕业论文关键词:课堂活动; 有效; 小学


    1. Introduction 6

    1.1 Research Background 6

    1.2 Objectives of the study 6

    1.3 Significance of the Study

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