
    From Talks to Paths —— On W.S Maugham's Morality in The Razor's Edge Abstract The Razor's Edge is a masterpiece of W.S Maugham. It tells a story during the World War I. The young American pilot Larry Darrel makes an acquaintance of an Irishman, but unfortunately his friend dies for saving him. So Larry feels puzzled about the evil and misfortune in the world, and start his trip to find some transcendent meaning in his life.

    The story, focusing on Larry, also describes many other American male and female, such as Larry's fiancée, a loyal believer of material world, Isabel; a social-addicted Elliott Templeton; simple-minded but rich Grey; tragic and poor Sophie; and prostitute Suzanne. Just as the author explains in the book, neither is he attempting to advocate the philosophical system known as Vedanta, nor to encourage everyone to be next Larry. The thesis is aimed to, through the perspective of dialogism, and a further study of the characters and their paths, to explore the magnanimous and lenient morality of the author: paths could be various, while the best is to achieve one's ambition.

    Keywords: Maugham; The Razor's Edge; Morality; Dialogism; Paths 


    摘  要《刀锋》是英国作家威廉·萨默赛特·毛姆的代表作之一。小说讲述的故事发生在第一次世界大战前后。美国青年飞行员拉里·达雷尔在军队中结识了一个爱尔兰好友。但好友不幸在一次遭遇战中,因为救拉里而中弹牺牲。拉里因此对人生感到迷惘,弄不懂世界上为什么有恶和不幸,拉里开始了他令人匪夷所思的转变。




    1. Introduction..1

    1.1 Introduction of W.S Maugham's Life and Literary Achievement1

    1.2 Introduction of The Razor's Edge1

    2. Literature Review....3

    2.1 Previous studies of the novel 3   

    2.2 Dialogism.4

    3. Dialogism in The Razor's Edge.6

    4. The Morality of Maugham...8

    4.1 The Variety of Characters8

    4.2 The Variety of Paths..9

    5. Conclusion11

    Notes…… 12

    References 13

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Introduction of W.S Maugham and Literary Achievement

    William Somerset Maugham was a British playwright, novelist and short story writer, among the most popular writers of his era during the 1930s.

    After losing both his parents by the age of 10, Maugham was sent to the UK to be cared for by his uncle. The move was damaging, as his uncle proved cold and emotionally cruel. School life was also difficult for him. He was teased for his bad English, his short stature and stammer. At sixteen, Maugham refused to continue at The King's School. His uncle allowed him to travel to Germany, where he studied literature, philosophy and German at Heidelberg University. Not wanting to become a lawyer like other men in his family, Maugham eventually trained and qualified as a medical doctor for five years, which enabled him to understand the life of people at the bottom and analyze life and world with an critical eye. From 1897 Maugham started to specialize in literary creation.

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