
    A Study on the Correlation between Error Correction and Junior Middle School Students' English Learning Anxiety Abstract Learning anxiety is thought to be one of the key affective factors that contribute to the development of language learning. According to Krashen’s (1985) statements, if learners’ anxiety levels are high, their affective filters would be high and they would receive less comprehensible input, and vice versa. As an essential part of classroom teaching, corrective feedback plays a role in learners’ anxiety. Therefore, this paper is to explore the relationship between anxiety and error correction in English learning. Questionnaire, class observation and interviews are used to collect the data. Accordingly, some suggestions are put forward and discussed on how to treat students’ errors and how to improve students’ language learning by alleviating students’ anxiety in English class after the collected data have been analyzed.46674

    Keywords: error correction; learning anxiety; correlation

     摘  要学习焦虑被认为是影响语言学习的重要情感因素之一。根据美国语言学家克拉申所说,如果学习者的焦虑水平很高,他们的情感过滤也会很高,那么他们获得的可理解输入就少,反之亦然。纠错反馈作为课堂教学的重要组成部分对学习者的焦虑中有很大影响。因此,本文旨在探索初中英语课堂中学生学习焦虑与课堂纠错之间的关系。问卷调查和课堂观察将对初中学生进行数据的收集。在对数据进行分析后,以降低学生课堂焦虑从而提高学生英语学习效果为目的,一些针对纠错的建议将被提出以及讨论。



    1. Introduction 1

    1.1 Background of the Study 1

    1.2 Purpose and Significance 1

    2. Literature Review 2

    2.1 Definition of Learning Anxiety 2

    2.2 Definition of Error Correction 3

    2.2.1 Definition of Error 3

    2.2.2 Error Treatment 3

    2.3 Present Situation 4

    3. Research Design and Methodology 5

    3.1 The Research Questions 5

    3.2 Reseach Design and Data Collection 5

    3.2.1 Research Object 5

    3.2.2 Research Tool 5

    4. Results and Data Analysis 7

    4.1 The Situation of Students’ Learning Anxiety 7

    4.2 The Relationship between Learning Anxiety and Attitudes toward Error Correction 7

    4.3 The Relationship between Learning Anxiety and Ways of Error Correction 8

    4.4 The Relationship between Learning Anxiety and Students’ English Level 9

    4.5 Dicussion 10

    5. Conclusion 13

    5.1 Major Findings 13

    5.2 Limitations 13

    References 15

    Appendix 17

    1. Introduction

    1.1 Background of the Study

    Over the years, many foreign language learners have been troubled by learning anxiety, especially those students in school who are thought to be nervous and anxious more easily. Anxiety is acknowledged as an important component of the learning emotion. Always associated with negative emotions such as tension, irritability, doubt, etc., it is often seen as the obstacle to motivation generating, therefore more and more researchers and educators have focused on the learning anxiety of students.

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